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Search results

  1. Olivier

    Recommend place to buy fish online / store

    Hi everyone, can someone please recommend me where to buy fish either online and store? thank you Olivier
  2. Olivier

    Metal Halide light recommendation

    Hi everyone, I see couple of electronic ballast on ebay and thinking of buy it from there. I would like to know what is the pro and con on buying these ballasts since it isn't name brand like ICECAP or a like? thank you Olivier
  3. Olivier

    What light do you use in refugium?

    I went to home Depot today and see that they sell some 6500K light bulb. I am thinking of get the light set for my refugium. What do you think? Should I or Should I not? What light do you use in your refugium? any advice is greatly consider Olivier
  4. Olivier

    what is this in my tank?

    hi everyone, I just setup my tank and I see some weird stuff in my tank. Please help to identify what is it? thank you
  5. Olivier

    need some livesand

    can anyone please let me know where can I buy some livesand or argonite sand? I need 70lbs. I bought some from home depot but the sand does not show good sign. It has brown slammy thing on the sand.
  6. Olivier

    Minimize Close Loop Noise

    ??? ???Hi everyone, Can someone please tell me how can I minimize my tank humming noise? It is caused by my close loop quiet pump vibrating thru the 1" plumbing pipe. can anyone please suggest me to do something to silence or near silence please.
  7. Olivier

    what light is needed ?

    Hi everyone, I would like to know what kind of light do i need for a tank with liverock and fish only? I just get my tank up and running. I will cycle the tank for at least a month before any live fish add into the tank. thank you in advance Olivier