Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
anyone know where can I buy T5 retrofit kit? I already has the ballast for it. I am looking for those end cap kit so I can incorporate the light into my current light fixture.
Second question - i have a 72 inches fixture, can I use 2-36 inches T5 bulb + endcaps end to end and correctly fit into...
I got whole buch of old rock (dead) and I put it back in my tank. However, when it in water, I saw those old green hair alge still attach to the rock (white color instead of green). Should I be worry about these dead algea or should I take it out and remove the dead algea? I try to scratch it...
hi everyone,
can someone kindly let me borrow your BRUTE container for two days? I need to store water in setting up my 180 gallon tank
MOD, please move to appropriate forum as needed
I am in process of setting up a 180 gallons tank. I have 2 MP40W. should I go with sand or no sand. I have sandbed (3" or so) in my 125 gallon with korolia 4 and i have sand storm if i want to have high flow. i want to cover the bottom of the tank just worry that the MP40 create sandstorm in my...
I just sold my fish tank and I have the stand available for free. it is a home brew one but it is strong and good looking one. if anyone has a desire for it, just let me know. you can pick it up anytime next week after COB at Somerville, NJ
Hi everyone,
I need to buy 4 bulkheads (don't know diameter yet. I need to measure it tonight) for my 180 gallon tank. 2 return and 2 overflow. I see that bulkhead come with slip x thread, slipxslip. what should i get ?
Hi everyone.
I'll pick up a tank (180gallons) tomorrow in south new jersey. I have 3 persons with me already. I need one more person. Would anyone like to help me? time will be around 8 a.m at my house and then drive about 1 hour to and from pickup location. be back at my house around 11 to...
Hi everyone, and MOD please move my post to appropriate forum
I finally convince my wife (real boss) to let me upgrade to 180 gallon tank ( i propose the upgrade idea and she's silent. silent mean agree or neutral thus, I move forward :)). I will bring the tank home (buy it used from a our...
I bought 2 dragonet fishes and now they are pairup and spawning. my female fish has big belly and at 9:30p.m today, I saw my dragonet pairup dancing then sperm spray as well. I don't think I can do anything to keep these eggs or baby then. anyone has any suggestion? so cool to see it. I think i...
I got 2 50 gallons storage tank ( white color). I plan to use 1 tank for fresh water and 1 tank for salt mix water. I would like to know where to mount the water pump in the tank and how to seal the hole as well. where to drill the hole as well. I also have 2 smaller size tank, 1 is 50 litters...
I just setup my calcium reactor. My question will be
1) how is the reef fanatic valve work. I plug it in AC outlet and hear a click from solenoid activate but after that i don't see any on/off action. only red LED on. What should I expect from this electronic valve controller?
2) how much...
hi everyone,
can someone please point out where can I buy tubing for CO2? I need to run my calcium reactor tubing again. the current tubes in my cal. reactor is short for my cal. reactor placement. I bought those r/o water blue tubing. is this tube good enough? I DO NOT want to have CO2 leak...
hi everyone,
I need help on how to connect Minical MRC calcium reactor to my tank and to the co2 tank. I never setup thing like this before in my life so please help with detail instruction.
thank you in advance
hi everyone,
I need your help on increase my overflow rate. I have an calioverflow (cut the back of my tank) I use 2 inches pipes for the drain to my sump. I got 5gallons in one minute. So i figure the flow rate is 300 gallons per hour. Can someone help me how can I increase the flow to higher...
Hi everyone,
I have following item for sale
1) a custom made light fixture. It has 4 mogul bases and 2 48" compact dual attinic bulbs. the light fixture is 72" long. It comes with ballast compact light and 2 blueline MH dual 175watt ballasts. asking price $275.
2) custom hood for 48" long tank...
is there anyway I can buy a wild caught onyx clown fish? I hear that very high percentage of tank breed does not host with BTA. is that right? I saw couple pair of maroon with gold strip and plan to get it but I still like the onyx more. please advise.