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Search results

  1. Olivier

    need help on picking up frag

    hi everyone, I want to buy a frag from Johan. He close to GWB. Can anyone who live closed to Johan and come to July meeting, please help me on delivering the frag to the meeting? Please let me know Olivier
  2. Olivier

    need help on phosban reactor

    hi everyone, I got a phosban reactor, the too little fishy and try to set it up. i accidentally connect the valve at the output of the unit. some of the red stuff got into my sump and my tank. would this stuff kill my fish and coral? I am so frustrate at myself for being neglect and stupid at...
  3. Olivier

    need suggestion on fish bully

    I got Power Brown Tang, Queen Angel fish in my main display tank. I just add in a school of Lyratail fish. my angel and tang are bullying my male lyratail. I change the rock around and still some bully. I am thinking of taking the Tang and Angel to a QT tank and left them their for about a week...
  4. Olivier

    need suggestion on CO2 bottle valve

    Hi everyone, I just bought the second hand calcium reactor. I want to hook it up to my system. I found a 10 lbs co2 bottle come with Milwaukee brand co2 regulator with needle valve, solenoid valve and bubble counter on ebay.com. Is this a good setup? what do and don't I should know before...
  5. Olivier

    question on glue

    hi everyone, can anyone recommend any glue that I can glue my coral under water? I obtain a beautiful monti frag as a gift and I would like to glue it down into my rock. thanks Olivier
  6. Olivier

    hydor koralia placement

    Everyone, I need your help on your trick/tips to place my hydor koralia on my tank to have a better flow around my rocks without blowing the sand into sand dune. my tank is a 6 foot long with 18 inches width. it is a 125 gallons tank and I currently have 3 koralia #4 in the tank. thanks Olivier
  7. Olivier

    help on how to feed frogspawn, zoo, and other softcoral

    hi everyone, can someone please help me on how to feed frogspawn, zoo and other soft corals? What is your tool to do spot feed? thank you all Olivier
  8. Olivier

    fish transfer from QT to display tank

    Hi everyone I need your suggestion/help on how to transfer fish from QT tank to display tank. this is what I would do and please correct me if I do it wrong. I have all my fishes into my QT tank 1 month (4 weeks) ago to treat Ich. my QT tank is a hyposalinity tank with copper Sulfate on it...
  9. Olivier

    fish store in Hill side NJ

    anyone know any fish store in HillSide, NJ? I knew a person that told me there is a store at Hill Side, nj and the store just recently move etc.etc. Anyone?
  10. Olivier

    Bristol worm. What should I do?

    I found a bristol worm in my tank. I don't know what type it is. Can someone please help me on Identify these worm? which is good and which is bad? It is about my 1/4 inche width and I can not see its entire body length since it hidden inside the rock. it come out and feed on my leftover food. I...
  11. Olivier

    FS: Live Macro Rock - Somerville

    Dear everyone, I just redo my aquascape and my center rock is up forsale.  it is about 20lbs or more.  I will sell it for $25 pickup at my house. I will post the picture of the rock soon. Pictures added Olivier
  12. Olivier

    Need help on Two little Fishy phosphate reactor

    Hi everyone, I have TLF phos reactor and I need your help on setting it up. there is two ports on top of the reactor. which one should I connect the pump into? thanks Olivier
  13. Olivier

    help how to catch fish in LR tank

    I need your suggestion and help on how to catch my fish out of my tank with liverock. Please help. I need to take my fish out to treat ich.
  14. Olivier

    HELP! ICK on my tang

    :-[ Help! I got ick on my tang. Last night, I saw few spots on my Power Brown Tang. Can Someone help me on this. What should I do now? I just thinking of getting stuff incase I got Ick and now i got it in my tank. I read some treatment method and one of them is fresh water dip. Is this...
  15. Olivier

    Fish Food Recipe

    hi everyone, can anyone please share your fish food recipe? thank you Olivier
  16. Olivier

    ID Angel fish

    Hi everyone, I checked the tank of the month on Reefcentral.com main page and saw an angel fish on that tank. I like that angel fish a lot but don't know its name. can someone let me know what is the name? thanks Olivier
  17. Olivier

    Calcium Reator setup

    hi everyone, I am planning to get a calcium reactor up for hard coral and also keep my tank PH stable. I would like to know what equipment do i need? any decent price recommend equipments can anyone recommend? thanks Olivier
  18. Olivier

    need help on feeding Golden Headed Sleeper Goby

    hi everyone, I just bought 2 Golden Headed Sleeper Gobies. They are hidding under my rock most of the all the time. they are not show and feed at all. What should I feed them in order for them to come out and sift the sand again ? :( any trick would help. It is quite depress to see two beautiful...
  19. Olivier

    Jabis6 your rock has Bryopsis.

    Your rock has Bryopsis algea and other good stuff too but becareful with those live rock.
  20. Olivier

    need help ID stuff on my new tank

    Hi everyone, ;D I have few thing in my tank and I wonder what are they and does these thing cause any harm to my tank Green Algea,  This is Algea good or bad? 1) Snail, what is this snail and is he good or bad? 2) Tinny Creature, is this an artic pod or tiger pod? or pest? 3) I have no idea...