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Austyn's 125 Gal mixed reef...

Hey Austin, tank looks great. I traded you the wave maker for the chalices. Lots more sps since I was there. I have red monti cap and green with purple rim. They grow fast if your still looking. Also I didnt see if you were adding kalk to top off? Did you try that first? I have a decent amount of sps and i think I might be reaching my limits with it so I've stocked up on 2 part supplies and getting to make the jump also.
It’s disgustingly easy. If you can use a measuring cup and pour water, you’re good to go.

I first started making Randy’s two part when I first entered the hobby. I ended up getting a good deal on two, five gallon buckets of B-Ionic, and switched to using that. I was keeping these two five gallon buckets in the basement, and refilling one gallon jugs when needed. When I went into the basement to do a refill, I found one of the buckets had failed (crack in the bottom), and dumped its contents on the floor.


I contacted B-Ionic with lot numbers and bucket information, thinking that maybe they would send me some small monetary coupon for my next purchase. NOTHING…..only asking for more info….but that was it. The bottom line was that these buckets were the lowest quality buckets you could find. That was the last straw that drove me back to making my own. So I now have a lifetime supply of calcium and magnesium….purchasing 40 pound bags of each (both are ice melt products). But even at that, the total costs were about half of what I paid for the two buckets of B-Ionic. I get the ALK part (Baking Soda) at Sam’s in 13.5 pound bags for less than seven bucks.

I originally would make a number of gallons of each, all at one time.


But every time someone stopped by and asked about Randy’s stuff, I’d give them a gallon of each. Well I’m now out of juice jugs, so now I’m back to making it a gallon at a time. But even at that, a gallon goes a long way…..especially MAG. I’m still on the first gallon I made years ago.

Thanks Paul. Got a bag of prestone today. At hd. On to the next ingredients. Great info and the cost doesn't compare as to how much I would spend by getting the brs 2part.
Hey Austin, tank looks great. I traded you the wave maker for the chalices. Lots more sps since I was there. I have red monti cap and green with purple rim. They grow fast if your still looking. Also I didnt see if you were adding kalk to top off? Did you try that first? I have a decent amount of sps and i think I might be reaching my limits with it so I've stocked up on 2 part supplies and getting to make the jump also.
Hey kurtis. How are the chalices doing? No I have not added kalk to my top off yet. Have to go get some. Or pickling lime. Yeah never really paid much attention to parameters since the tank was looking great. Then I added some SPS. Boom. I guess I was walking the line on parameters until the sps went in.last few test have been showing good progress. Still looking for some caps but no hurry. I'll shoot u a text.
Hey kurtis. How are the chalices doing? No I have not added kalk to my top off yet. Have to go get some. Or pickling lime. Yeah never really paid much attention to parameters since the tank was looking great. Then I added some SPS. Boom. I guess I was walking the line on parameters until the sps went in.last few test have been showing good progress. Still looking for some caps but no hurry. I'll shoot u a text.

Chalice is doing good, I traded the cotton candy for 2 sps. Hit me up on the caps. They grow fast
Cotton candy is in my hands. Nice piece and nice tank man

Thanks! Glad to see the piece is still local :) enjoy it man. when it decides where it likes it in your tank its gonna grow fast. ive had that piece at almost a hot pink and purple at higher light. I still have a few pieces of each i need to move running put of room.
Thanks! Glad to see the piece is still local :) enjoy it man. when it decides where it likes it in your tank its gonna grow fast. ive had that piece at almost a hot pink and purple at higher light. I still have a few pieces of each i need to move running put of room.

Yea it's looking good, ours out some nice sweepers. Not too long but it looks happy


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Thanks! Glad to see the piece is still local :) enjoy it man. when it decides where it likes it in your tank its gonna grow fast. ive had that piece at almost a hot pink and purple at higher light. I still have a few pieces of each i need to move running put of room.

Hey Austyn, i'll be interested in some of the chalice you need to move! give me a txt on the prices and we can add it to my tab ;P lol
My tank is finally stable.
Cal 435
Alk 182
Mag 1380
PH 8.2

It has been testing in that range for 4 days straight. Dosing 20ml of calcium and between 40 and 50mil of alk daily. everything in the tank is looking great. and the colors and polyp extension are excellent. even the fish look better. One thing i have noticed though is the glass gets dirty faster now. have to clean it every couple of days if i acctully want to see my tank. PO4 did increase just slighly so i added 1/2 a cup more of GFO to the reactor and see how that works out. i also trimmed some culerpa and chaeto . noticed a bit of cyano blooming on the culerpa. I have been feeding a bit more so my guess is my nutriens increased a bit. Plan on starting a small amount of biopellets this weekend.
Thanks! Glad to see the piece is still local :) enjoy it man. when it decides where it likes it in your tank its gonna grow fast. ive had that piece at almost a hot pink and purple at higher light. I still have a few pieces of each i need to move running put of room.

Do you still have any chalice frags left?
What are your N's and P's reading? Test kits? Film on your glass can be linked to your PO4. When was the last time you replaced your lamps in your fuge?
What are your N's and P's reading? Test kits? Film on your glass can be linked to your PO4. When was the last time you replaced your lamps in your fuge?
nitrates 0
Phosphates 0.03 Just noticed my GFO is not tumbling. i just changed the return nozzles from 2 to 4(Lock Line) and it decreased the manifold pressure. Think its time to update the return pump. or dial down the return to the tank.
Both salifert

Fuge light was changed 1 month ago. i replaced it with an par24 led bulb


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Fuge light was changed 1 month ago. i replaced it with an par24 led bulb

Austyn, which LED Par bulb did you change out to? I am thinking about picking up a Red & Blue Grow LED grow bulbs for my fuge.
Austyn, which LED Par bulb did you change out to? I am thinking about picking up a Red & Blue Grow LED grow bulbs for my fuge.
Home depot special lol. Was looking at the same one you are looking at but needed something quick since my previous light burnt out.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
haha, HD specials never disappoints though! lol

I will probably order one this week, i'll let you know the outcome. just going to be weird having a red glow coming out of my stand! haha
Not that I noticed.just started a few days ago at a rapid growth rate.
Switched back to my pvc home made return lines today and wallah. i have Tumbling again in my GFO reactor. I guess switching to the dual outlet lockline returns was just to open to keep manifold pressure up. i tried closing the return lines valves but it just did not seem to increase the tumbling. I currently run a Eheim 1262 return pump. Love the pump but apparently i need a bit more GPH to switch back to the lockline and keep a manifold for the reactors. Any suggestions on an internal pump that will do the job?