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Austyn's 125 Gal mixed reef...

Well someone got hungry last night and decided to eat one of my chalices that i have been trying to heal up. It was already starting to grow and show promise until last night. This is what i found when i looked at my tank. It took out the two best looking eyes.

And the culprit...... Is this Ultra LOBO. This one might be finding a new home soon.

A snail must of moved it just close enough for the lobo to reach it. They have been sitting next to each other for over a month. Was bound to happen when you start stuffing your tank :/
Yeah! Don't put my lobo in solitary! Why's that thing in the sandbed so close to a chalice anyway? Get it in your rockwork! LOL Your purple deaths are waiting!
Blame the snail!!! don't abandon the LOBO!!! haha
LOL! yeah (my) snails mistake :p

Yeah! Don't put my lobo in solitary! Why's that thing in the sandbed so close to a chalice anyway? Get it in your rockwork! LOL Your purple deaths are waiting!
LOL Had no room on the rockwork. Ripped out the XLG Kenya out 2 nights ago maybe ill place it there. But i also have MH and it might toast it a bit. Cool, Ill be over tomorrow. Wouldnt happen to have that pickling lime would ya?!
Well I have left my daughter and my wife to take care of my tank while i am away on a business trip for 3 months overseas. Have total confidence that they will do a great job.....right....right. Chris lattela is back up just incase they need some help. I asked her to post any questions here if she needs help. And if she does do post. Please help LOL. Bummed that i will be missing the next three meetings. was looking foward to them.

While at the beach yesterday i saw the biggest aquatic hemit crab i have ever seen. Unfortunately i didnt get to my camera fast enough before somone decided to pick it up and throw it deeper in the water. Chilling on the waters edge this hermit walked right up to me. scared the crap out of me. was the size of a coconut. probably measured 14" at least. huge. red hairy hermit with black stripes. so i just made a decision to go rent some gear and do a but of under water exploring with a wet camera. I hope to also go see the huge aquarium in the mall in Dubai. im hoping to post some pics soon. Have a deep sea charter booked for friday. oh yeah gonna be a good week. But i can wait to be abloe to step in american soil again. 87 days to go.
Austyn, if you need help let me know. I am off Wed and most weekends so can make a trip down of needed. Have some fun there, my wife's brother does mountain biking on the dunes at night, something to think about. Well be safe and enjoy the desert!
There are a few of us who are right around the corner, if help is needed, just give a shout. So, don't worry about the tank, and have a safe trip.
I really need to update this lol.

New equipment upgrade:
Reef keeper elite
BRS ATO doser.
Reef radiance led lights.

Most of you know I lost a bit of Sps just recently. This was acctually caused by a malfunction of the return pump to the frag tank. My wife did not notice it for three days after she did a water change. Prior to the WC, the hose to myATO 10 gal tank fell in the water. Creating a syphon and dumping all 10gal of kalk water. Burn. Burn burn. 3 digi's was the only thing left with hope. They have recovered completely. And looking better than ever. The DT didn't suffer as badly because ithad good flow. But was full of hair algea. HA Is back in check. And tank is finally stable.

Just got an email fromTara and Rick from Reef Radience that one of the led lights is shipping today. Of course its the frag tank light! But exited none the less. Its the lumentek pro 120. The lumentekpro 240 's are delayed for another week. Ugh. But this hobbie is about patience right. Im loosing it little by little lol. I will have pics up soon of the hairy mushroom forest soon before I erradicate them and re aquascape the left side of my tank.
Hey Austin if you want some red cap just let me know am moving my stuff this weekend and am sure its going to break up being grown on 2 rocks