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Austyn's 125 Gal mixed reef...


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
awesome man! i thought you would have had those by now! regardless good news!
What are you doing with the canopy? Is yours still attached?
I can remove it 9nce I disconnect the metal halides. Then im going to run two 6ft aluminum angle iron near the to so I can have the light sit on top of the canopy so I can have the controller visable. This way it will also sit at 18" from water surface. Should get a nice light spread. Also give me a chance to re paint the inside of the canopy.
Was looking through my log book and look who turned a year old today.

So i finally decided to tackle the re scape so i can start gluing some sticks to rocks. Well before i could do this i have to get rid of at least 10 hairy mushrooms that have taken over the left side rocks. took about 3 years but they really inhibited me from placing anything on that side of the tank. So i get a bucket with a bit of salty water ans start scraping them off. First i notice its not 10 of them. more like 15 just on one rock. Of course these suckers stink immediately. even if you just gently touch them. You can only imagine what it smells like if you are scrapping one off(cutting). Full gear on too. face shield extra thick gloves. These suckers do squirt when provoked.

So im at shroom number 8. the stench is horrible. I start feeling sick to my stomach from the stench. I stop. Go outside for some fresh air. I come back in the house and the whole freaking house sticks of marine stench. Great!!!. So i put on a respirator and try to get through the remaining shrooms on the rock. Not as bad with a respirator. Also i light a candle so the smell is somewhat masked. with in 5 minutes i start felling sick again. This time i finish the rock i started and stop for the night. Still have about 13 more shrooms to go. ugh!!!! FYI wait till the summer time if you have to do this. and do it outside lol. On top of that i have little bite marks from the clowns since they were hosting the shrooms. little buggers.

Cool finding though while i was moving the rocks around. I started with one tiger tail cuc. I knew they split in to 2 when i got back from my trip. But when i moved the rocks there is now three. Of course i found where all my sand went. they stick their heads out of the rock work and it comes out the other end in the rock work. LOL.

well back to scrapping some shrooms. -__-


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sounds like fun .Your tank looked great before ! I Can not wait to see the out come....
If they are all confined to one rock, would it be easier to just remove the one rock and replace it? Not sure how committed you are to the rock.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
If they are all confined to one rock, would it be easier to just remove the one rock and replace it? Not sure how committed you are to the rock.

I have some extra rock you can have Austyn, if it'll make things easier.