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Dan's 150 Rebuild


Your cal is up a bit, but otherwise numbers look good...
Thanks. Yeah it hasn't moved at all since my last WC. Weird.

I still don't get how my phosphates are reading 0.00ppm but I have a crazy amount of hair algae?? Ready to throw out all my rock lol
Thanks. Yeah it hasn't moved at all since my last WC. Weird.

I still don't get how my phosphates are reading 0.00ppm but I have a crazy amount of hair algae?? Ready to throw out all my rock lol

I've seen people mention that the phosphate sometimes is being consumed by the algae at just the right amount to keep the numbers low. Tricky...so how do you real know?
I'm not running GFO! Lol I stopped that and switched to biopellets. Then I stopped that and switched to phosguard pellets. And I haven't bought anything! Lol
I'm not running GFO! Lol I stopped that and switched to biopellets. Then I stopped that and switched to phosguard pellets. And I haven't bought anything! Lol

Then you just need to wait it out. I'm sure you will get it under control. I'm sure the real experts here can tell you more.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I'm not running GFO! Lol I stopped that and switched to biopellets. Then I stopped that and switched to phosguard pellets. And I haven't bought anything! Lol

If you have algae. Run pure gfo. And keep on water changes. Biopellets will take time and patience. Which sounds like u ran out of. And you have no nitrates to support them.

Phosgaurd is a combo too. Gfo is pure po4 solver. Just my 2cents.
If you have algae. Run pure gfo. And keep on water changes. Biopellets will take time and patience. Which sounds like u ran out of. And you have no nitrates to support them.

Phosgaurd is a combo too. Gfo is pure po4 solver. Just my 2cents.
Yeah but I've used GFO before and still had algae. I mean I guess I could always try it again and see what happens. I just don't wanna keep spending money on different things and have them not work, its getting too expensive


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Your rocks r still leaching. Whatever u use is going to take time. Check ur rodi make sure ur not introducing it this way. U might have to go through a decent amt of gfo before u nip it in the butt
So its been just over 2 weeks and the tang is still in QT. I haven't treated with anything bc I was unsure of what to do exactly. Plus I don't have a copper test kit. He looks amazing tho. Very very active, eating like a pig. Can't wait to add him to the DT.

May be a stupid question, but are there any Angels that would work in my tank? I know a lot of them are not reef safe but not sure which one. Any suggestions?
I like the Bellus Angelfish, not so much the other one. Plus it says itll chase Anthias and wrasses so that's a no go.

Why do all the big nice colorful angels have to be non Reef safe? Gayyy lol
If your not gonna treat the fish then you might as well add it. That said if you think your DT is ick free and you add a non treated fish then you may just be adding disease back to the DT.
Nah I hear ya on that John. I asked numerous times what I should be doing and it either got overlooked or nobody had any advice so I said hell with it and just watched how he was with eating and everything. Lol no biggie.
Dan's New 150RR

Thanks. Yeah it hasn't moved at all since my last WC. Weird.

I still don't get how my phosphates are reading 0.00ppm but I have a crazy amount of hair algae?? Ready to throw out all my rock lol

I answered this in post 1976.
- Phosphorus exists in two primary forms in seawater: as inorganic phosphates, especially orthophosphate, and as organophosphate forms. Orthophosphate is readily taken up by algae and is active in inhibiting calcification. The organic forms may or may not be available to organisms such as algae. Aquarists can readily test for inorganic orthophosphate using a standard aquarium phosphate test kit, but testing for organic phosphorus compounds is considerably more tedious. Moreover, if there is an algae problem, then the algae may be consuming the orthophosphate as fast as it enters the water, thereby masking the issue. Consequently, many reef aquarists may not recognize that they have a phosphate problem, only that they have an algae problem.