Well, just woke up to an angel fish being tossed around by my powerhead. He's not looking good and I have no idea why. He was eating fine. No signs of anything wrong. Ughhh
I did temp acclimation for like 20 mins in my actual tank. Then I dripped him for a little bit. Maybe 10 mins. Then dumped him in. Im not sure what aquarium center has their tanks at to be honest. I just did a quick water change to see if that helps but I doubt it. There's goes $50How did you acclimate it? Was there a significant difference between the salinity in the store water vs. your qt?
That's what I'm going on. Poor acclimation job by me. Darn it, darn it, darn it.I always test the water the fish was in at the store. For all you know they keep it at .015, which I have seen before. 10 minute drip time is absolutely useless and would have done nothing. You have to know what salinity it was kept at in order to determine the length of time to acclimate...
Yeah that's what I'm leaning towards too :/ I'm so mad at myself for not doing things properly. Between this, my light breaking, my algae sort of returning, and a few of my SPS frags dying. I'm about to pull the remainder of my hair out!Im guessing osmotic shock due to a salinity change. Fish generally cant handle rapid increases in salinity (> 0.002). Salinity and temperature seem to be the most important parameters when it comes to acclimation. I killed a few fish early on not paying attention to salinity. I also fealt that ive lost a number of fish due to long drip acclimations. Anymore when I looking to get a new fish I set my qt around 1.018 to 1.020. While Im floating the bag for temperature I test the store water salinity and adjust down if necessary. Then if it is coming from a local store I might do a quick 30 minute acclimation. If it was a mail order and sitting in the water overnight, I ussually end up scooping it right out and place it in the qt. Ammonia becomes your enemy then once the bag is oppened.
Just informed by my gf that he's def dead now. Bummer
Thanks, yeah I'm really bummed out about it. Such a beautiful fishSo sorry...
Bc I'm tired of my sand going everywhere bc of my powerheads. Plus my water is always so cloudy and I think its from the sand constantly getting tossed up.Why??
Will do, send me that list!Gotcha
I was thinking of doing the same I really don't get a lot of sand blowing around but I need to add couple more power heads let me know how you make out buddy
This is one of the great debates. You have 4 options bare bottom, deep sand bed, shallow sand bed, or the one and only crushed coral with underground reverse filter that PaulB uses. Since Paul is probably the only person to pull off his version stick with one of the other three. Anyways I have a 4-5 inch oomite sand and I don't have any blowing around. I think with the correct bacteria growth it just sticks. Now I can make a mess of it but generally I don't have a problem. For some fish you need a bed of some sort, wrasses, shrimp gobies, etc. It is really your preference IMHO you just have to make each one work for you.Seriously considering going bare bottom, any thoughts?