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"If you want to upgrade your tank I want you to upgrade my front porch!"

If you use a Herbie, it should be close to silent. I've spent a ton of time reading about it on RC. (I'm going that route on my tank too).The stand pipe should be about half way under water in your overflow and form a silent full siphon. Generally they have one of those pointed screen fittings over the end. And your emergency should be totally dry and slightly over the overflow water line. So no noise from that. Key is a gate valve to dial in the full siphon.
I don't have room to put another drain pipe. It's a single drain with two supply lines. On my 90g that I drilled myself i ran the herbie method. I don't think I can with the way this tank is set up

I will mess with it later tonight.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Matt, can you be more specific when you say "sounds like a waterfall"?

Where is the noise coming from? (over the overflow wall itself, inside the durso/standpipe, or from the discharge end of the drain line/falling into the sump?)

By the way, the manifold looks good. I like how all the valves are easily accessible and that the outlets are up high (where you could run piping/tubing for their intended equipment along the ceiling and support it easily.)

Speaking of support, I would suggest you use some kind of hanger on the 4-outlet manifold piece and support it onto the back wall. That might be a lot of weight and pressure to be putting on your bulkheads.
I found that my overflow was very loud just due to the water flow going into the overflow. So when I saw Hawkeye's return was T'd off to run a reactor that is what I did. It was just enough to slow down the volume and noise.
You can hear it coming down the pipe and then again when it dumps into the sump. In each side it has a different type of sound. The durso is a constant sound and the sump side is a on off flushing sound.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hard to tell from just that description, but sounds to me like the water level might be fluctuating? This could be due to the drain not getting enough air venting.

Some people (including me) will stick a tube into the hole in the top cap of the durso, and shove it down a bit into the drain pipe. Just keep the top end of the tube out of water (an inch or two is fine). If you slide the tube up and down, you can find a sweet spot where it allows all the air bubbles to escape easier. When you get it right, the drain runs smooth and not choppy.

As for the water noise going into the sump, that might be due to the air getting sucked down the drain right now. When you smooth out the flow, that should get better. If not, you may need to look into ways of cushioning the fall with rubble rock or something in the sump. It could also help if you add a short pipe on each end going into the filter socks... so that the discharge spot is below the water level instead of dropping from above.
I'm sure it is something easy. I just literally plugged the pump in and watched it fun for a few to make sure there was no leak
This thing is a BEAST!!! I am having trouble fitting into the left side of my sump. Something is going to have to get modified...

Or I will have to put it into the center chamber.
Here are the clips on the door
Here are the clips on the stand
Here is the finished product

Simple. Easy. Clean. Done.
Other than the skimmer being too big my other problem I have to address this weekend is this

I put a piece of trim around the inside of the canopy to hold it onto the tank. I made it to short so you an see the water line. I hate seeing the water line.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
My feeling as well.....a simple shoe moulding or you can go real fancy. HD and Lowes have a selection of oak moulding.
This is how I plan to hang the lights.

I just used wire and will attach the lights. Once I move the lights over I will post more pictures.
For me to lower the hood I am going to need to drop it about a heavy inch. I will look at quarter round but i may just remove the piece inside. I will see whatever is easier. it may just be easier to remove the inside one because i don't have to finish it or anything. just slap a new one on and be done with it.
I just moved my mp40's over to give the water some move movement. I also played with the skimmer some more. I got it to fit in the left chamber but it is too tight and gets in the way of the filter socks. It fits fine in the center chamber so it looks like that's where it is going to have to stay i guess.

unless i get another skimmer
Yesterday I put a bottle of Dr.Tim's in the tank and I know it says to add fish so it has something to feed on. I went to add my Chromis but my kids had a fit and didn't want him to maybe die. I guess I will go get another Chromis tomorrow.
I put that tube into the Durso and it instantly made it quieter!

Now I just have to quiet the end that dumps into the sump. I put some PVC on the end so the water doesn't fall into the sump and splash, but it is still lous and souds like running water.
I also transferred my reactor over and hooked it up to the manifold. Very cool!

I went to the LFS to get a Chromis but they didn't have any. I will try Value Pet tomorrow.