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"If you want to upgrade your tank I want you to upgrade my front porch!"

I can't because I have all of my corals still in my 90g. I'm not sure when I should transfer the fish over from one tank to the other. I figure if by this weekend these chromis are still good then I will slowly start to transfer the fish over.
When I did my first upgrade I did a series of WC's between the 2 tanks in the week leading up to the swap. I did about 10gals a day. This allowed me to bring some equilibrium between the 2. At the end of the week I pulled from 1 and added to the other with no loss of any kind.
This of course was in a fully cycled tank, and I still added LR from my old tank to the sump for a few days after.
You could still temporarily put the lights up just to see what it looks like. Good idea to use some of old tank water for water changes.
When I did my first upgrade I did a series of WC's between the 2 tanks in the week leading up to the swap. I did about 10gals a day. This allowed me to bring some equilibrium between the 2. At the end of the week I pulled from 1 and added to the other with no loss of any kind.
This of course was in a fully cycled tank, and I still added LR from my old tank to the sump for a few days after.

What I have done thus far is when I first got the tank full, temp right, and salinity on point I added a bottle of Dr.Tim's. I put the rock that was in my old sump into the DT and added 2 cups of sand from my old tank. A few days later I added the cuc. After the cuc I did a 30gal water change from my 90 and used the old water to do a 30gal water change with the new tank. On Sunday I added the 2 Chromis and turned on the skimmer and the carbon and GFO reactor. that was last Sunday.

I haven't tested the water for anything yet. I have one of those API test kits from like 09' and I don't want to buy a new one to use 5 times and never use it again.

This weekend I will do another 30g water change the same way I did before and then take a fish from my 90 and add it to the 140
I think it sounds like you are pretty set. Between the Dr.Tims, the cured rock and to a lessor degree the water you should be good.
Sounds like a plan. I can't see how you would have any issue. Feed those chromis heavy just to make sure you don't have any bacteria die off. Or maybe another bottle of dr tims. Just in case
the only problem with dr. tims is getting it!. nobody sells the stuff locally and when you ship it you have to 2 day ship it because of the weather.
Sounds like a plan. I can't see how you would have any issue. Feed those chromis heavy just to make sure you don't have any bacteria die off. Or maybe another bottle of dr tims. Just in case
You could still temporarily put the lights up just to see what it looks like. Good idea to use some of old tank water for water changes.

That's too much work. I'm about over this build I hate to say. The cords aren't long enough to reach from one tank to the other so I would have unmount the ballasts and all that come with it.
I have a question about the Vortech battery back ups. when I feed my fish I like to shut off all of my pumps so it doesn't blow the food all over the place. I also have my pumps hooked up to the apex s I just hit the feed button and it shuts everything down for 10 min. since I hooked them up to the back up when I kill the power the battery kicks on the they stay running


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The same thing happens for me with my Reef Angel in Feed Mode. The controller shuts power off to the VorTech, but the battery backup just assumes that's a power outage and kicks the VorTech back on (albeit it runs at 50% or less during this time.)

What you can do (and what I planned on doing at some point) is to instead of turning your VorTech completely off... you can have it set to "Feed Mode". The Default Feed mode makes it spin at "50% lower than the lowest speed of the pump". However, you can customize the feed mode speed of the pump and change it to "barely spinning". This will be much better than the battery backup running mode if you are looking for closer to still water.

Here is the manual for the VorTech if you want to get more info:


Pgs. 28-31 show "Configuration Mode" which shows you how to do these customizations. After that, all you need is to get your Apex to set your VorTech into feed mode and you're all set.
Chromis are still doing well. It's like the old days with the miners with the cage of Canaries. If the birds or in my case Chromis die I know there is a problem.
Ran some tests and the results I got were
NO.2 was .25
NO3 was 5.0
NH3/NH4 was .25

These were taken on a API test kit from 09'
(just saying)
I started to move some of the fish over. Yesterday I did another 30g water change and then moved the Chromis I had in my 90 over. Today I moved over my Midas Blenny. out of this entire tank he decides to make his home in a frag rack in the sand...
You have no idea Dave. I put these together at work today and I had made 2 of them with the red ties. However I didn't have enough red ones to make them all. So I had to take one of the red ones apart and make it green and then make the last one yellow.

(my wife says i have issues)
I like the color coordinated zip-ties
I also made this cover for the overflow box today. I had an extra sheet of black .25" acrylic so I cut it to fit.


NJRC Member
I'm right there with you brotha. Probably best that our wives never meet. They'd spend hours yucking it up ripping on us :)