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"If you want to upgrade your tank I want you to upgrade my front porch!"

Wow Matt! I'm impressed. Always like the projects that create sawdust. Extremely well done.

Thanks Paul! I do side work for people if they ever need anything. I think I have gotten 3 or 4 side jobs from this porch. I am at a stand still until i get the lattice and 1 more board of the trex in. Trex type boards come in 2 different side profiles. one with a grove and one with a finished edge. I ran out of the finished edge boards so i can't get the steps done.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Wow. Compliments on both the tank and the porch. Looks like a win for everybody.
Thanks! It was pretty impressive last night when one of the balusters ended up in the top of a tree. I am working on the railings on the steps and it SUCKS! I am not happy with it all (why it ended in the top of a tree)

I don't like the look of the pvc railings and cutting the angels is hard. I need to take a break from it and play with my fish tank.

Considering this is a tale of the tank and not a tale of the porch i will post more pictures of the tank later

Pretty impressive for sure.
Thanks to Darren! I was able to fix his old Gryphon band saw and it now works like new!


This thing is the best! I used to hate trying to cut monti's and zoa's with bone cutters. It was such a PIA and soo messy.

Mushrooms coming up!!!

thanks again!

I am going to need a frag tank...
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I have been running into some algae issues lately.

It only seems to be in the front two corners. it is strange because the ends of my tank get the least amount of light. my lights cover a 2x2 area and my tank is 54 inches. All I have checked so far is my Phosphates and they are sitting at .08

I started dosing Red Sea Reef Energy both A & B so that could contribute but it just seems strange that the spots with least amount of light gets it
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I'll bet that's it! Thanks Kyle!

I would be more than happy to key you use this saw to frag those hallucinations zoas. (Hint hint)
Lol you're funny. Sounds good to me just give me a few more weeks for the baby polyps to mature

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I picked this up from ebay the other day for $5 i think. Man is it worth every penny!


Before I would use on of my kids apple sauce cups. It was such a pain and I would waste so much frozen food. I was also not very good at getting it completely clean. This I just let it defrost and then use saltwater to rinse it a few times till it runs clear.
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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Good idea Matt. I would suggest rinsing the strainer in clean fresh water after every use, and drying well. It's SS, but can still rust with prolonged exposure to saltwater.