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Master Disaster 180gl on the Floor and 125 Rebuild!

Lighting Test & Half Full of Water YAY!




are you doing anything with actinic lighting such as VHO's also anything on moonlights. looks like a slick deal with the yoyos but the vho's i got throw some light without a canopy
ds4x4 said:
are you doing anything with actinic lighting such as VHO's also anything on moonlights. looks like a slick deal with the yoyos but the vho's i got throw some light without a canopy

I plan to use some clip on moonlights. I dunno about VHO's but I might try 2 60" T5's.
I threw in 3 Bags of IO last night at midnight. I have 4 K4's mixing in the tank. One bag was a little Chunky because it had a hole. I was told its ok to use old salt but this morning 6hrs later the tank is clear but has some white salt specs still floating around. I hope once I put the skimmer in and start it goin that it will either whip those specks into salt puree or a few trips through the return pump will mix it up well. 6 Hours for 125gal worth of salt is a little soon though to be too worried I think.
Tank didn't clear up last night. Then I realized something. This bag of salt was on the floor when my last tank broke. The box got soaked and obviously the salt did too. I do not think this salt was fit for use. I Emptied the entire tank last night wiped it clean and flushed it one more time with a little water and started filling it again. I have to find some salt now.
Its 1 am tuesday night or wedsnesday morning. I just finished aquascaping and taking pictures to post and resize. I need sleep. Work in 6 hours uGH... here you guys go tho. Oh I started vodka dosing already.







Nice rock work. I'm debating if I should pile up all the rocks together or make islands like you did. My only concern is that there will not be to much hidding places for the timid fish. How deep is the sand bed. I'm thinking of putting 2-3 inches in my tank.
ricwilli said:
Nice rock work. I'm debating if I should pile up all the rocks together or make islands like you did. My only concern is that there will not be to much hidding places for the timid fish. How deep is the sand bed. I'm thinking of putting 2-3 inches in my tank.

The Sand bed is very shallow, in some places it is around 1.5" and others 1" all the way down to 1/2" in some places. I like how sand looks and I like to keep my sand turned up every time I to tank maintenance. That way my sand is always white and pretty and I don't have to worry about mixing up the sand when I clean. I also don't like to see the sand bed above the tank trim so I tend to always keep the sand lower than that. Regarding Timid, Fish no matter what you do in a tank unless you get like a honey comb like structure timid fish will always find a spot to stay. Some crevice over hang or jammed between 2 rocks. Eventually corals and stuff will offer more hiding places. Of all the islands only 1 is a true piled rock work. The one in the middle is the only "Piled" rock with a few strategic wedges to keep everything stable. The ones on the corners are acrylic pillars. In some places I used little balls of aquamend and kind of squished a rock together. The aquamend dosen't really glue the 2 pieces together it just fills in all the crevices until the pieces fit like a lego blocks. It helps if I have to remove a rock to frag or something because all I do Is line up the pieces and then slip right into the crevices. Fish like anthias and chromis that are always moving like to wedge themselves under a overhang which I have many. Tangs find a cave and share or like to hide behind the rock wall.
Well I didn't die or anything, Money got a little tight and it was just as well because Everything was cycling still. My Nutrients levels are pretty much undetectable. As I mentioned before I did not run any lights during the entire cycle but junk still found a way to build up on the front glass. I cleaned it off. My water is particle free and after stirring up everything in the sump now that is particle free as well. The overflows are dead silent and all I hear now is the hum of the Skimmer and return pump. I went to Sams Hardware in they city and picked up some 1/4" Rubber Gasket material. I have had the gasket material in a tub of Salt Water and a tub of Ro/Di water for about 4 days. I will test the water and see if any thing bad happened or leeched off. I plan to put the gaskets under my internal return pump and my skimmer which should stop vibrations. The Gaskets are 14 by 14" squares and cost 2.45 each. (Pics Later)

I also set up a Qurantine/Frag/Nano 23gal Acrylic Cube. I am a little worried about it because after 24/hr Operation the Velocity T2 that I have running the closed loop on it has the water pretty warm. Some people have asked me if I plan to use it as a frag tank why do I have it as a qurantine tank. Well although most qurantine tanks will eventually get messed up from medications etc I am hoping that acrylic does not discolor. I am also hoping that if copper is used since there is no silicone to adhere to that it will flush out. In either case for ich or anything like that I like to use Hypo-Salinity. I have a 2 Gallon tank that I will be using to dip corals.
Update time

I picked up 4 Squareback anthias 3 Yellow Females and 1 Male. I also picked up a Sailfin Blenny (Unfortunately not the one I picked out. He is ugly. The one I wanted was small and pretty and active. This one is fat and ugly and likes to lounge around. But it was like adopting a kid. I said I wanted the one that was really active (almost Hyperactive) but Feng chose the other one and bagged him while I was oggling an expensive flashing tilefish.) I didn't have the heart to throw the guy back and took him home. I got a baby Blond Naso as well. I also got a cleaner wrasse from feng.I got a Baby Hippo Tang from Ocean Gallery II. I traded my unused Red Sea Wavemaker Pro for store credit and got some stuff. Everything was Drip acclimated for 1.5 hr and then introduced to qurantine and fed. everyone ate.

Well... bad news.

This morning the baby Hippo Was dead and on the Maxijet filter. The Cleaner wrasse also bit the dust. The 4 anthias,blenny,naso look ok.

For qurantine I am feeding them a variety of food. Fresh raised brine shrimp, mysis, spectrum pellts (they dont like) and rods food. Theres a clip in there with 1/4th of a sheet of nori for the blenny and tang. I feed them fairly often small amounts everything soaked in selcon. I also put 1ml of selcon and some phyto into the baby brine shrimp hatchery to gutload em. My goal is to make them obese. :)
Yeah the MH's are pretty high atm making the room light up. The room looks pretty though and is definately Reef Themed. Its kind of my room where I can put paintings that I have done of the fish or pictures of the family or my photos of memorable catches while fishing. The tank is the focal point of that room but I plan on introducing some more subtle lighting for night time viewing. The ugly fish (Grandpa) is a Lawnmower Blenny.

Lawnmower Blenny = Grandpa
B Naso Tang = Dumbo
3 Female Anthias (Janet, Chrissy, Cindy) - 3's Company Characters
1 Male Anthias (Jack) - 3's Company Character

Deceased (Sm Hippo Tang) - Fabio R.I.P