OGII is giving me credit for my baby hippo but I don't think they were very happy about it. However, what they were telling me goes against everything others here and on reefcentral have experienced. Baby Tang's of any species have a very low survival rate. This time around with my tank I am taking every single precaution possible to eliminate deaths. I EXPECT deaths but that is the fact of the matter. I do not like to treat with copper and to eliminate having to run 2 tanks especially during this stocking phase and also to reuse the acrylic cube tank as a frag tank eventually I plumbed the main tank into the frag/qurantine/introduction tank. (People hear qurantine and immediately think omg chemicals hes gonna nuke his main tank!.) The Acrylic tube is 100% able to be cut off from the main tank. It's running a HOT magnum filter 24/7 with the Carbon cartridge in it but with ceramic stones instead. I have another filter that I can run carbon through. When I introduce new fish into the tank it is separated from the main tank and then left there for observation for a week.
I think qurantine in a spartan tank is stressful for fish. Qurantine in a fully established tank is a waste of rock and resources if u use bad chemicals. I employ a 2 week qurantine schedule. Less if the fish is exceptionally healthy.
Week 1
Dip in solution w/ Medicated water. Prazi/Clout tablets things of that nature. I Take the time to extend the fins and check for fluke etc. And Introduce into qurantine (50/50 Blue PC bulb). They are observed for the week and fed a lot of food. Upwards of 4/5 times a day or as often as they will eat. Uneaten food is removed. Everything is with Kent Garlic and Selcon. This fouls water fast and I usually qurantine 4 fish at a time. I change 1/2 the water every 3 days on the dot. The Ammonia in there is just starting to register when I do this. If they have anything usually they begin to show at this time. For Ick I immediately lower the SG to 1.09. I have this worked down to removing 6 Gallons and introducting fresh RODI. The SG is lowered over the course of the 3 Days in Mini Water Changes.
Week 2
They usually look real good if no ick etc. The first dip usually kills fluke etc so barring internal parasites the friday of week 2 i can put in main tank.
OGII is giving me credit for my baby hippo but I don't think they were very happy about it. However, what they were telling me goes against everything others here and on reefcentral have experienced. Baby Tang's of any species have a very low survival rate. This time around with my tank I am taking every single precaution possible to eliminate deaths. I EXPECT deaths but that is the fact of the matter. I do not like to treat with copper and to eliminate having to run 2 tanks especially during this stocking phase and also to reuse the acrylic cube tank as a frag tank eventually I plumbed the main tank into the frag/qurantine/introduction tank. (People hear qurantine and immediately think omg chemicals hes gonna nuke his main tank!.) The Acrylic tube is 100% able to be cut off from the main tank. It's running a HOT magnum filter 24/7 with the Carbon cartridge in it but with ceramic stones instead. I have another filter that I can run carbon through. When I introduce new fish into the tank it is separated from the main tank and then left there for observation for a week.
I think qurantine in a spartan tank is stressful for fish. Qurantine in a fully established tank is a waste of rock and resources if u use bad chemicals. I employ a 2 week qurantine schedule. Less if the fish is exceptionally healthy.
Week 1
Dip in solution w/ Medicated water. Prazi/Clout tablets things of that nature. I Take the time to extend the fins and check for fluke etc. And Introduce into qurantine (50/50 Blue PC bulb). They are observed for the week and fed a lot of food. Upwards of 4/5 times a day or as often as they will eat. Uneaten food is removed. Everything is with Kent Garlic and Selcon. This fouls water fast and I usually qurantine 4 fish at a time. I change 1/2 the water every 3 days on the dot. The Ammonia in there is just starting to register when I do this. If they have anything usually they begin to show at this time. For Ick I immediately lower the SG to 1.09. I have this worked down to removing 6 Gallons and introducting fresh RODI. The SG is lowered over the course of the 3 Days in Mini Water Changes.
Week 2
They usually look real good if no ick etc. The first dip usually kills fluke etc so barring internal parasites the friday of week 2 i can put in main tank.