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My first build thread (29g Biocube)

You need to update this with how amazing your tank looks in such a short time! Everything has come out perfect. Pics pics pics

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Haha I will I will! Ive gotten so many different zoas from Marc, we have gone twice in the last two weeks and theyve all opened up beautifully. Ive got a riddiculous school load ( orgo chem, physics, not to mention two three hour labs in a week plus im trying to finish my philosophy minor !! Eek eek ) that its hard to take pictures of the progression properly.

One update is that im definitely going to the frag swap oct 5 in Lancaster PA and I hope to see everyone in person ( and hopefully the bags under my eyes will dissapate.)

On another note, im slightly bored of my bengaiis. Does anyone have a fish theyre bored of ? I can stare at Albert for a good hour with him just perched. Can anyone throw in just some of their own fish they love and adore, or just for fun so I can see different variations? When I go to my LFS, I get so overwhelmed ! I want to pick a fish at the frag swap.
It's hard to get active fish for a small tank, most small reef fish just hang out and perch.

Have looked at thor amboinensis (sexy shrimp)? They can be kept in small harems and are fairly active.

Or maybe a small wrasse like a carpenters or sixline.

You can also look at this thread for other ideas:
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Six line wrasse are amazing jing. I think you would enjoy them! Mine was very active in my bio cube, plus their colors are beautiful!! Something to look into!
It's hard to get active fish for a small tank, most small reef fish just hang out and perch.

Have looked at thor amboinensis (sexy shrimp)? They can be kept in small harems and are fairly active.

Or maybe a small wrasse like a carpenters or sixline.

You can also look at this thread for other ideas:

It also might be that while my corals are bright my fish are all black and white haha. I was gonna get a fire shrimp when kyles work went on sale with them, but I didnt think of looking into a sexy shrimp. I think the only wrasse that caught my eye was the fairy one, it was so beautiful and bright. Im not sure if im looking for more activity, or just some contrast. Thanks for the link, I looked through it but I kept picking aggressive fish again lol.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Firefish are incredibly bright and colorful and would do great in a 28g. They also generally spend most of the time out in the water column. The possum wrasses out there are also probably a better match for a 28g and will allow you to have multiple fish in the 28g instead of one. You can also look for a basslet which are calmer fish that do well in a 30g, but they tend to hide in the rock work most of the time. If you really want to take a risk, you can look at a little argi angel. They are not always guranteed reef safe, and can be aggressive. However, they are bright, colorful, and are active %100 of the time. They are the smallest of the angels and should hold up pretty well in a 28g.

We still have a love for small fish due to our nano roots, so fire away with any questions, chances are we tried it as some time in our 3 nanos.


NJRC Member
I had a harem of Sexy Shrimp in my 30g tank and they were awesome little guys! I used to sit and watch them for hours. If you get a Sixline Wrasse, you may want to stay away from them though. Seems like they would be a snack for it. Another choice may be a Yasha Goby and a little Pistol Shrimp combo. Yashas are cool little fish and the relationship between the 2 is very interesting to watch.
Ive definitely ruled out a six lined wrasse, but I really really liked the possum wrasse ! Does anyone know where theyve picked one up locally in NJ? Ive got my eyes on a purple stripe dottyback, too.

@mnat I really liked the argi angel but Im afraid of putting it to the test with my zoas. I was thinking about a green clown goby too but I heard they hide..alot. I hate when fish hide. Dont they wanna see my world?!
I was thinking about a green clown goby too but I heard they hide..alot. I hate when fish hide. Dont they wanna see my world?!

Agree, I've had a green clown goby for over a year now, only see him when its feeding time. He likes to hide in the ripples of my grape monti cap haha

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Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Went over to live aquaria and took a look at the purple striped dottyback and would probably not risk it:
A 30 gallon or larger aquarium with numerous hiding places provides a good
environment. It should be housed with moderately aggressive fish that are larger
than itself. It will eat ornamental shrimp.

If you like the idea of the dottyback, look at a tank bred orchid dottyback. Less aggressive (though they can still be aggressive) and they are tank bred which is always a plus.

One of the fish that I forgot which would make an awesome addition is the gold assesor basslet. They are beautiful fish, swim around (including upside down), reef safe and would do fine in a 30g. Wait a bit for a tank bred one from ORA, they are like a third of the price and do so much better than the wilds in captivity. We just had our LFS put a feeler out to ORA for a few of them to add to our pair (forgot to mention they pair really easily).

I have not had experience with one, but a royal gramma might be another fish that could fit what you are looking for.
I would skip the dottyback as well unless it's the only fish. They are very aggressive to any fish added after them. My springeri killed hundreds of dollars worth of fish in my old 125, including tangs 10x its size.

I have a royal gramma in my 30 and it's doing well with an ocellaris clown & Azure damsel. It is quite tolerant of the damsel which surprised me, I thought it would have been all out war.
I have tried to stray her from dottybacks also. I think a royal gramma would be nice jing. I had one. Or the gold assessor like mnat said

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
My neon dottyback is the most timid fish I have, well except for maybe my mandarin goby. I think with most fish in the hobby, aggressiveness varys within each class type.

I believe other factors affect whether a new fish will be aggressive such as available hiding places, size of the tank, feeding practices, other inhabitants that may be aggressive towards it, and anything else that might threaten or help the fish when finding a safe "home" in your tank.

IMO, all fish are different and it's their environment that steers them toward being aggressive or not. Now, there are some natural instincts that will make some fish natural enemies regardless, primarily with wild caught fish. But, when captive bred fish are born and raised in a tank with other inhabitants, over generations the natural aggressiveness can sometimes be lessened or even eliminated.

That's all my theory anyway, I have no proof other than I hear different opinions about similar fish. So, my logic tells me it's the environment that is usually different and therefore a logical explanation for the differences in interpretations of same types of fish.