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Ricwilli's 215 build


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I agree on the Phosban reactor. Move it in. All of mine leaked at one time or another, That's why I upgraded to the Bulk Reef supply dual reactors, There is a night and day difference!

Do you want to know the most STUPIDEST reason why I didn't put the reactor inside the sump? Cause I didn't want the "Phosban Reactor" sticker to come off. LOL....LOL....LOL.
I'll see what I can do.

Thanks Patriot76 for the comment. Taz, I will look into the BRS dual reactor.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
It looks like BRS is out of stock on those dual reactors. However, TB Aquatics sells the Smart Reef version of it for pretty much the same price.

PS, I love the new mini-manifold. Man, your plumbing setup just keeps getting better and better Richie. What else could you possibly add? LOL
ricwilli said:
Do you want to know the most STUPIDEST reason why I didn't put the reactor inside the sump? Cause I didn't want the "Phosban Reactor" sticker to come off. LOL....LOL....LOL.

Now that is one one the funniest reasons I have ever heard!!!! LOL

Good Luck!!!
It looks great so far!!!!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
tbone212371 said:
ricwilli said:
Do you want to know the most STUPIDEST reason why I didn't put the reactor inside the sump? Cause I didn't want the "Phosban Reactor" sticker to come off. LOL....LOL....LOL.

Now that is one one the funniest reasons I have ever heard!!!! LOL

Good Luck!!!
It looks great so far!!!!

Call it funny or stupid, but it could be valid concern. I needed a stand for my previous skimmer in my sump so I inverted a five gallon oceanic salt bucket in there. I was a little concerned about the label, but was supposed to be temporary. Well temporary turned into a long time, next thing you know I had bright blue pieces the size of glitter flowing between both of my tanks and I couldn't think of what it could be! LOL. Looked kind of neat at first but boy it took a long time to filter them out.

Thought you might like to hear that story.

Tazmaniancowboy said:
tbone212371 said:
ricwilli said:
Do you want to know the most STUPIDEST reason why I didn't put the reactor inside the sump? Cause I didn't want the "Phosban Reactor" sticker to come off. LOL....LOL....LOL.

Now that is one one the funniest reasons I have ever heard!!!! LOL

Good Luck!!!
It looks great so far!!!!

Call it funny or stupid, but it could be valid concern. I needed a stand for my previous skimmer in my sump so I inverted a five gallon oceanic salt bucket in there. I was a little concerned about the label, but was supposed to be temporary. Well temporary turned into a long time, next thing you know I had bright blue pieces the size of glitter flowing between both of my tanks and I couldn't think of what it could be! LOL. Looked kind of neat at first but boy it took a long time to filter them out.

Thought you might like to hear that story.


HAHAHAHAA!! Thats great! I would thin that would be a trand some day provided that the fish and corals didnt didnt chow on them.
As some of you may have read on another post, that I was visiting family in Indiana (12 hour drive)and I took a trip to visit one of the BEST, Reef On-line vendor in the country, (IMO) PREMIUM AQUATICS. My brother lives only 30 minutes away. Honestly, I was expecting it to look like a LFS that we all currently visit but as I pulled into the parking lot and seeing the size of the building/warehouse, I realized that they are more of an On-line company, rather than an ordinary lfs. They do have walk-ins and sell anything that's on their website to the locals and visitors right there and than.
Live stock was very limited, but I'm not 100% sure as I arrived late on Black Friday. The locals could have cleaned out most of the tanks. The prices on the live stock was better than most that was advertised for Black Friday. The live rock was lowered to $1 a pound. That's right $1 a pound and they had some nice looking rocks. OK, so here are the pics. These were taken with my wife point and shoot camera.



Invert section


SPS and LPS Tanks









More Fish


A Vertex 250 Skimmer


Live Rocks


More Live Rocks



Some of the products that they sell.


Warehouse full of equipment


Customers on line waiting to pay for their items. You also need to grab a ticket with a number to be served. Jeremy is on the register.


My corals that I purchased. It was being held until the following day. They packaged them up really good in a cooler with a heat pack. The corals were in the cooler for over 20 hours. Got home at 12 am, acclimated them and all are doing just fine. I will take updated pics later on.







The huge fan on the ceiling. The wings must span over 30 feet long.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sounds like a fun visit. Next time, let us know you are going, maybe you can pick us up something, heh.
are they hiring? i heard some guy who use to coach some team from indiana is looking for a new job (just kidding).

place looks cool, i would love to own that type of operation.
Yeah, I always wondered what the place looked like. I was going to start a post to see if I could bring anyone anything from PA but I'm glad I didn't. I did not have room for anything in my truck. Not even a PH probe could fit in my truck. It was packed to the top with all of the shopping that we did on Black Friday.
My brother, his wife, my wife and I went on a shopping spree. We were making a line in Toys R Us at 9pm on Thanksgiving day to get in at 12am. There must of been at least 100 people in front of us. By 11pm there must of been over 200 people behind us. Sadly, I almost got into a fight with two people when they opened the doors at 12am. We were there for about 1 1/2 hour running around in the store looking for all the items we wanted. It was a success. Around 1:30-2am we headed to Walmart. Their sales started at 5am. There were about 15 people in front of us. By 4am, there most of been over 400 people in the store. Luckily the lines was formed inside the store, not outside. This was a SUPER SUPER Walmart. I've never seen any Walmart around here that big. We were also successfull in getting all the items that we wanted there. After that, we went store hopping. We didn't get any sleep that day but it was fun. So now you can see why I never started that post for PA.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Well that's understandable. We forgive you... this time. ::)

Sounds like you had a blast though.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yea, I used to dream about hiding at a home depot and sneaking out at night... could you imagine if you were left alone in this place? :eek:
Here is what I will be using for lighting.

The 72", 14 Bulbs Aquactinics Constellation. I love that its low profile and that I can sit it right on the tank.




Here, I need to replace the old bulbs with the new.


Bulbs from front to back starting from the top. (Didn't want to type it all out. lol)


The PITA center brace. The only thing I hate about this tank. It must be like 16" wide. I'm sure it will defuse the light a little with it being wet from the humidity.


For the record. My plans are to switch light fixture in the Summer and in the Winter. MH in the Winter and T5's in the Summer. Since all I have is the T5 fixture, this is what I will be using for now.


NJRC Member
Those PA pics are pretty cool when I first opened it I thought you opened some kind of frag business or something. Looks like a cool place. Don't worrry about not bringing stuff back for people they had free shipping last week and 10% off.
That is a super nice T5 fixture .... wonder what the corals will do when you switch back and forth. Will there be a bad adjustment period? Just something to think about.
That is a super nice T5 fixture .... wonder what the corals will do when you switch back and forth. Will there be a bad adjustment period? Just something to think about.

Thats what I was thinkin
Nickjr000 said:
That is a super nice T5 fixture .... wonder what the corals will do when you switch back and forth. Will there be a bad adjustment period? Just something to think about.

Thats what I was thinkin

Someone else made the same comment. So I guess I must rethink my idea. Lets see how my corals do under T5's with this set up.