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Sunny's FOWLR build thread ....


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Thanks ItzJu. The way he has it stacked up with stuff I don't know how many scratches that thing might have :).

It is acrylic anyways. So it if off my list.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Would you connect it to your existing setup?

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I wish I could Bob, but the place where the FOWLR is going to go I cannot do that. That is the main reason I do not have it setup yet.
I do not want to get into lugging buckets again ..
I completely hear you. That is why I never had a qt tank. I rearranged the fish room and now have one. I hate the bucket trips haha

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NJRC Member
Article Contributor
stocking plans :)? If you need help moving it or anything let me know I'll make the trip.

It will be pretty much angels, a harlequin tusk, a moorish idol and a Sohal.

I will need help moving for sure. It will be last week of March though.
NICE! If you are successful with the moorish idol I might be more inclined to do one :).

Keep me posted I am working 2 Saturdays in March, but not 100% on the dates yet. If I am free I will be there.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Jeez. Thank you so much guys. I am overwhelmed. Thank You , Thank You for the generous offers.

It will be end of March most probably.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hmm .. Hmm.. Where can I use you? Hmm..

OK. So March contest will be how do I use Paul for the move! He is really no good at weight lifting anymore ;) ;)

You obviously haven't seen me with my shirt off:
