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Thirty 5's Deep Blue Rimless!!


NJRC Member
Ugh, tell me about the ich thing.....

I left my lights off for a day and a half, hoping to cut down on cyano a little. Turned the lights on yeserday and my awesome Picasso female has it real bad. Not too sure if she's going to make it. I also lost the Stacki Damsel (maybe a blessing in disguise), one of the Anthias, my Cleaner Wrasse, and the little Black Occelaris has ich. I'm just going to stop everything now. No adding anything for a couple months. I got a bit carried away and added too much too fast I think. I'm crossing my fingers that the Barnacle Blennies at the very least will be OK.
Well woke up this morning and fish looks horrible. It has to be velvet, fish was breathing hard and was lying on a piece of rock. I had to get to work so I was not able to get it out. I expect the fish to not make it until I get home today.

The only plus side, I even hate saying that is, that it is the only fish left in the tank. So from today on, it will be fallow for prob 10 weeks..

If I get home and cannot find the fish cause it died in the rocks, can the parasite live off a dead fish for a bit. I don't think that it could, but I have to ask.

I know that I will have to keep an eye on the levels closely, i will probably do some small water changes every day to make sure that the levels don't get out of wack.
Well today marks the date of going fallow. Last anthias was alive but barely moving when I just got home. Took a little work getting her out, but we did, and I put her out of her misery! Poor fish.

So looks like mid-June for adding new fish to the system. But I plan on getting new ones now, and just qt'n them for the whole time. I will have a seperate fish only tank that I will set up, with no meds to keep an eye on the fish. The 2 fish that made it, the male anthias and the goby are still in the hospital tank and they are looking ok.


NJRC Member
I just wish I could get all my fish out....

I'm starting to think ich in my tank not velvet. The female Picasso has it worst and she's had it for 4 days, maybe more. Seems like if it was velvet she would have been dead by now.

Any ideas for what you want this time?
Sorry to hear this guys.
Jonathan, try freshwater dips if you can catch the fish, and get that temp nice and high (80-82 is where I have had the most success).
Large, frequent water changes.
Any chance of removing coral and going hypo?
If you can keep them eating, you have a shot- try enriched live food if you can get it.

If you are not certain of what is going on, I would suggest reaching out to your LFS for help with the diagnosis. Brent at Trop is my guru for diagnosing sick fish.
From my understanding hypo wouldn't work effectively on velvet per the guys at AF and my own research. What I did was setup a 20g long tank w/ a hob filter and heater and am dosing cupramine in low doseage to start. Per the instructions you use 16 drops per 10gs so I did 28 drops for the 20g volume. It says to wait 48 hours and then up the doseage to get it right around .5 or .05 rather. Plan is to leave my display fallow for 6 weeks and leave the fish in copper for 2 weeks.

The fish have been in the copper for around 7 hrs now and are already showing signs of improvement! The wrasse who was barely swimming/eating is now swimming like a champ and the chromis all look great. Even my basslet is now swimming around like a trooper.
From my understanding hypo wouldn't work effectively on velvet per the guys at AF and my own research. What I did was setup a 20g long tank w/ a hob filter and heater and am dosing cupramine in low doseage to start. Per the instructions you use 16 drops per 10gs so I did 28 drops for the 20g volume. It says to wait 48 hours and then up the doseage to get it right around .5 or .05 rather. Plan is to leave my display fallow for 6 weeks and leave the fish in copper for 2 weeks.

The fish have been in the copper for around 7 hrs now and are already showing signs of improvement! The wrasse who was barely swimming/eating is now swimming like a champ and the chromis all look great. Even my basslet is now swimming around like a trooper.

I just went to check on my Male Anthias in QT and it is barely swimming, I can push him around with the net :( Not looking good!!
From my understanding hypo wouldn't work effectively on velvet per the guys at AF and my own research. What I did was setup a 20g long tank w/ a hob filter and heater and am dosing cupramine in low doseage to start. Per the instructions you use 16 drops per 10gs so I did 28 drops for the 20g volume. It says to wait 48 hours and then up the doseage to get it right around .5 or .05 rather. Plan is to leave my display fallow for 6 weeks and leave the fish in copper for 2 weeks.

The fish have been in the copper for around 7 hrs now and are already showing signs of improvement! The wrasse who was barely swimming/eating is now swimming like a champ and the chromis all look great. Even my basslet is now swimming around like a trooper.

Brandon, I know nothing about velvet, I am sorry. I was suggesting ICH treatment for Jonathan. Believe me, if I had advice for you and Anthony, I would have shared it :(


NJRC Member
Sorry to hear this guys.
Jonathan, try freshwater dips if you can catch the fish, and get that temp nice and high (80-82 is where I have had the most success).
Large, frequent water changes.
Any chance of removing coral and going hypo?
If you can keep them eating, you have a shot- try enriched live food if you can get it.

If you are not certain of what is going on, I would suggest reaching out to your LFS for help with the diagnosis. Brent at Trop is my guru for diagnosing sick fish.

I have the clowns who are really the only ones showing signs in QT with some copper. Also caught 2 of he Barnacle Blennies (by hand no less) and popped them in there too. I'm pretty sure that it's ich. If it were velvet I think everything would be showing signs. It seems that velvet is much more virulent than ich.

Sorry for the hijack Ant.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor

If it is MV, then nothing but copper will help. Issue with copper is that it is slow. You may lose the fish no matter what. If you think in 7 hours your wrasse is getting better because of copper that is NOT the case. It could be that the ich fall off and started a next stage. Trust me, copper will kill but slowly.
Also, running fallow for 6 weeks is not enough by a long shot. Go 8 - 10 weeks , I will do 12 if I can.
Just friendly advice and my 2 cents. I did a lot and I mean a LOT of research.

Clowns do not like copper so be very careful. Unfortunately if it is MV the only thing that helps is copper and clowns hate copper :(.


Temp does not have any affect on marine ich. It is a PIA and unfortunately very very common in captivity.

Again, just trying to help and share what I learned. I mean no offenses and I do not claim to know everything.

Good luck guys, ich SUC*KS!

8 weeks it is, I'm pretty sure it is velvet with how quickly it struck my powder blue and other wrasse. The powder blue Wes happy and eating like a pig then I come home from work to see the fishes covered, next day the powder blue was having its eyes pec out by a hermit

Sent from my mind.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
8 weeks it is, I'm pretty sure it is velvet with how quickly it struck my powder blue and other wrasse. The powder blue Wes happy and eating like a pig then I come home from work to see the fishes covered, next day the powder blue was having its eyes pec out by a hermit

Sent from my mind.

You also need to make sure to not add any coral, invert etc to your DT. This means you are going to miss the invert GB.
I only say this since you need to be aware of this .. you want to make sure there is no contact to outside world - period.
If you can do that, then it will mean you can "hope" to be ich free.

P.S ==> There are those who think this will still not work. Oh well, we do what we can to the best of our abilities... and hope for the best.

Well I lost the male anthias that was in qt. My tank is now fishless and goby is in hospital tank. So 10 weeks fallow and then ready to get some more livestock

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Well i haven't posted in a while. But I got a PM today so I was here anyway.

My fallow period is OVER!!!! But I am not going to get fish until I get back from vacation so another month.

All my corals have been doing pretty well.

My cleaner shrimps are pregnant. I may take one of them and put it in the fuge and see if any of the eggs will actually hatch and survive.

I also finally got my APEX all configured and I am also going to be getting some other parts for it for an Auto-Water Change system. I plan on pushing a button to do the water change, but if it works out well, then I will set it to just do it auto.

I am also going to start to dose, I had won the BRS weekly drawing and got my order for free. I have all the dosing stuff, I just need to get all my levels and figure how much I need to dose.
Well I was bored, So I took some shots of my tank. Please excuse some of them, I handheld the camera for every shot, I was too Lazy to take apart my camera so that I could put it on my tripod.... There are a lot of pics here.





























