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Thirty 5's Deep Blue Rimless!!


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Very nice pictures, love the acans, but am always partial to those zoas. Very nice collection.
Nice collections of acan you have, can you tell me a little info on your camera and what setting your using to take those pictures? Thanks.
Nice collections of acan you have, can you tell me a little info on your camera and what setting your using to take those pictures? Thanks.
Shoot in manual mode to set ISO, Aperture, shutter. And Custome White balance. Its all about wite balance. Those pics were taken with blues on late in day. Very little white light
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I haven't really updated in a while. But I have added some new pieces to my tank.

A couple weeks ago I added a peppermint shrimp and my trio of Anthias kept going by it, I guess thinking that it was a cleaner shrimp. Finally they left it alone. Yesterday I added a pistol shrimp to the tank and again the Anthias were all over it. Not trying to hurt it, but were actually lying on top of it and next to it. Poor pistol.

So today I went out and bought a cleaner shrimp and that is exactly what the anthias were looking for. I need to get 2 more, so that each fish can have their own shrimp. Things I see in my tank, always amaze me! I dropped the shrimp it, one of the females swam right to it, and the shrimp went for a piggy back ride all over the tank! Then the male went to it and opened its mouth and to see the shrimp go crazy!!! I love seeing new things in my tank, this is something that I have never seen before!!!!

Sorry for the crappy video, it didn't upload right from my phone.



NJRC Member
What a cool video! I got a Cleaner Wrasse and as soon as I put him in my Anthias and Fairy Wrasse both flared out their fins and sat in the middle of the tank and the Cleaner went right to work!
Cool vids I subscribed and liked all your videos. Beautiful acans. If I ever get a saltwater Tank up and running I want lots of acans.
Well I have not updated in a while. But not good news. I had gotten a beautiful Naso for the tank. The fish was QT's by a buddy and medicated for 2 weeks. I put it into the tank and it was doing very very very well. Eating like a total PIG! No signs of any problems.

Then a friend of mine gave me a Pistol / Goby pair as a gift. Yes I know better about my next statement, so keep your comments to yourselves!! :p:p

I didn't QT them. Then a bout 5 days later my Naso shows signs of ICH. I was able to get him out, but he didn't last for more than a couple days in a hospital tank with copper and formalin. Since I have gotten out the goby, and Male anthias, but I cannot get out the pair of female anthias in the tank. I am working on getting them out, but luckily they are showing ABSOLUTELY ZERO signs of any issues! So at least they are not sick.

I am going to try to get them out but since they are not showing signs, I am not going to stress them out..
+1 to chillys' comment on the tang. Bummer.

That video of the cleaner shrimp is awesome. I've seen them jump on tangs and such - but never a smaller fish like an anthia like that.
+1 to chillys' comment on the tang. Bummer.

That video of the cleaner shrimp is awesome. I've seen them jump on tangs and such - but never a smaller fish like an anthia like that.

I was totally shocked with it, it was basically immediately when I dropped in the shrimp, but I think that the Anthias were looking for a cleaner. I just added a few more to the tank. I actually love the shrimp and they at least stay out in the front so you can actually see them.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
We love cleaner shrimp, when kept in pairs (which is essentially just put two together as they are hermaphoditic) they are quite active and out. They will clean fish which is nice but one of the biggest bonuses is that they spawn constantly which means free live fish food.
Interesting, I did not know about them. I have 4 in the tank now. Can you tell when they spawn or when they are about to spawn. I like the cleaners because they are always out and about the tank, they don't hide like the peppermints or fires.
Interesting, I did not know about them. I have 4 in the tank now. Can you tell when they spawn or when they are about to spawn. I like the cleaners because they are always out and about the tank, they don't hide like the peppermints or fires.

fires are beautiful but they do hide almost like 90% of the time except when you feed em! I love cleaners too but I actually skipped them for my tank for fear that they tear food out of my corals. It's a give or take thing since I guess you could just feed more heavily and then they should stop thieving....

I'm gonna show my kids that video...they will be so amazed. Thanks again for posting!
That is the only thing that I am worried about with the shrimp. I will let you know how that goes. Be feeding the corals tomorrow.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Yeah when I feed my scoly and acans I just use the turkey baster to shoo them away until the corals are closed up around the food. I know they get some, but so be it.

You will easily be able to see them with eggs as there whole back "legs" area is covered in green eggs. They usually release them at night so it is tought to get so see them actually spawn unless you have moonlights and stay up for it. Nikki has seen them do it several times, I am generally in bed but according to her the fish go nuts for the fresh spawn.