• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Hey there Greg welcome !... I wish I know more about the transit or train station. I would love you to come to represent MR :).. anyway hope that a fellow njrc will try to help you.. thanks
Hello My Name is ... Eugene

I'm in my late 20's living in Woodbridge NJ. I'm originally from Queens, NY, but boy is NYC too crowded. My area of expertise is in any area of computing although my specialty is Network Security and playing with anything Cisco. I went to RPI and majored in Computer & Systems Engineering. I love sports cars and have been playing around with Real Estate Investing.

If anyone wants to stop over, check the progress of my tank, grab a few beers/drinks and watch the game, feel free to stop by.

Hobby wise...one day someone gave me a $10 China Town Turtle (red eared slider). I bought a 10 gallon tank for it, so that it wouldn't have to stay in it's little container. With no experience under my belt, 3 days in the container and 2 days in the tank, it died. So I put FW fish in the tank and the hole in my wallet grew from there. I later bought a 10 gallon breeder/quarantine tank and post college I bought 55 gallon tank w/ wooden stand.

I'm now looking to part with the now over a foot long Silver Arowana that has terrorized my tank and is truly the last fish standing, so that I can start a SW tank.

Purchased so far: 70lbs of Live Sand, Salt Bucket of Instant Ocean, Cheap salt tester,Custom Flow kit, digital temperature reader, salt water test kit, flow meter, surge to control day/night power, and a battery backup. My girlfriend wonders where all this money suddenly appeared from for this newly refined hobby. I'm asking myself the same question.

Left to purchase...Canister Filter, Multistage Sump/Refugium, Turboflotor 1000 or Euro Reef Es5-2 Protein Skimmer. Once I have those, I will put the salt and sand in the tank while I save up for possibly some T5 or other lighting system to support the final goal of a 55 gal Reef Tank.

Experience: 4 years with FW. 2 1/2 days with SW. I'm probably going to pause as I've read soo much I've confused myself and this overload leaves me not knowing how to really setup my filtration.

Back to saltwater overload. Anyone want to buy or trade something for my Arowana? :)


NJRC Member
Hi Eugene!

Network Security, Sports cars, Hole in the wallet.... You'll find plenty of company here!


Thanks for the welcome. Oh and I just got an email confirmation. I'm also an officially paid member. I feel proud. ;D


NJRC Member
Welcome. There are lots of IT folks here. A whole lot of us sit in front of these things all day pretending to work. lol.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome To NJRC.
ED. I wish I can sit in front of mine all day pretending to work, but I can't. I build stands and canopy's for myself pretending I'm working.
My name is Jase and I am 31. I am moving to Pilesgrove, NJ in a few months from Beaumont, Texas. It's between Houston and the Lousianna border. I have been keeping saltwater FO tanks for about 15 years now on and off. My second job was at a LFS and I have adored them ever since. I got interested in reef tanks in 2001 and have tried most types of filtration at one tme or another. My last tank was simular to the ecosystem meathod and was mostly SPS. I still have the setup (150 display 2x55 refugiums and 75 sump all t5's). I have it all boxed up and ready to ship, but I am most likely going to have a rimless 300 made and use the 150 as a refugium this time.

I currently work as an offshore production operator working with petrochemicals.

My other addiction is Bonsai Trees.

New Jersey seems like it is going to be a lot of fun for me as there are so many LFS and bonsai related activities. I also have enjoyed reading posts here at this site and I am looking forward to meeting some of you people in the near future.

P.S. What's the deal with the "llama?"


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm surprised RichT hasn't give you one of these yet:


Welcome to the club!

I run the relay between my press and the computer during the day. Atleast it's a way for me to lose some weight in between the meetings (or food fest I'm not sure which!)

Hi, my name is Dominick. I visited NJRC"s setup at the recent Manhattan Reefs Frag Swap (accompanying my son) and decided to join. I am a transplanted New Yorker living in Iselin, NJ.

I have been keeping fish for a long time starting with a 10gal. MetaFrame tank featuring Cardinal Tetras and FW plants and ending up now with a 135gal. Reef
aquarium. In between, I have served as President of a local NJ aquarium society, bought and sold an aquarium shop, and am now semi-retired working from home.

I look foward to meeting as many of you as possible and learning more about reefkeeping.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Dom, welcome to the forum and to the club! We look forward to your participation as I'm sure you learned a wealth of information in your travels.

Hope to see you at the May meeting!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Dom, it was great meeting you and your son at the frag swap. I look forward to seeing you again at an upcoming meeting, whenever you can make it.