• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Hey Greg, welcome!

Hang around and I'm sure you'll find plenty of tanks to upgrade to in the for sale or trade forum if you want to start spending money again! ;D
Hello, My name is Paul. I am 23 and from Brick, NJ. I have always wanted a Salt Water tank but my parent wouldn't allow it. So this past October my future wife and I purchased our first home and she bought me a tank for my birthday in March. The tank she got me was a 24gal Aqua Pod with 150W HQI SUNPOD. I have had the tank for approximately 6 months and I have caught the reef bug! I am planning on upgrading to a larger tank in the near future when money allows which is tough considering we have a wedding to pay for! Anyway that is me. I have posted previously but never actually introduced my self. This seems like a great community and I will be sticking around.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome aboard Paul. Maybe you guys can register at some of the LFS for the wedding. A new tank would make a great wedding gift.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Paul,

to NJRC!

We're glad you found us and I agree with Matt about registering at an LFS! Good luck with the wedding planning, that's always fun. Here's the only advice I can give you: Be VERY well rested when you go to pick out invitations. Man, that was sooooo much more fatiguing than I thought it would be!
Welcome aboard Ihop!!! I actually eat there on Tuesday nights with my parents while they are in NJ. 50% off everything for seniors. :) Hope to see you at a meeting.. I won't be at this one but will be at the one in September.
I am new, I just joined the club yesterday, and this is my first test of the message.

I am attaching a picture of my tanks at home.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Very nice setup, James! Love the 3 tanks together like that. I don't think I've seen anyone else do anything quite like that. Very nice. What kinds of corals are you keeping? Those two end pieces are massive, but I can't tell from here what they are.
That really is amazing how you have that setup. How long have they been running?

I really love the idea of 3 tanks but looks like one for fish that really need to be seperated but you want "together".
Hi names Dave just became member.
Ive been around tanks all my life. had a bad experience with an all fish salt tank years ago and backed off for a while.
I now have 2 cichlid tanks 1 90gal all male peacocks and 1 55gal.
I recently purchased 150 RR running a dolphin pump 3600gph I built returns similar to that big tank in tropiquarium live rock (could use a few more pieces) right now doing a lot of reading.
I put a few fish and corals and its looking good.
I grew up in middletown,n.j. now living in ocean township with my wife Linda and 3 of my children 1 in colledge in Boston I am self employed and working a lot when I'm not messing with my tanks I'm off to soccer with my son or daughter both on school teams and both on traveling teams whew.
Ihop said:
Hello, My name is Paul...So this past October my future wife and I purchased our first home and she bought me a tank for my birthday in March.

That is so cool!

My wife and I purchased our first home and she gave me a bill for the new kitchen. :'(


Though I am truly on her good side now and have staked out room in the house for the (hopefully upgraded) tank. ;D
dickenscd said:
I am new, I just joined the club yesterday, and this is my first test of the message.

I am attaching a picture of my tanks at home.

Cool setup! Is the 270g sump behind those tanks or did you drill through the floor somewhere?
Let me introduce myself properly..My name is Tom...i have been a member for a few days now.... I work at Aquarium Center in Blackwood...i have been impressed by the feedback to the topics that i post in several forums...Its good to see everyone is one big team that give different points of interest about the hobby...looking forward to attending one of the meetings coming up...thanks to everyone who responds and has been giving me different ideas about my nano..pics are coming soon

welcome to the best group of reefers i know ;D
you will see they are some of the best informed and most helpful people around. we are always here if you need a helping hand with just about anything ( not only reef or fish related topics )

again..........welcome and happy reefing....al


NJRC Member
Hello Everyone,

My name is Ryan and I found out about njreefers from Jeff.

I'm pretty new to the hobby. I obtained a 150gal established reef tank in June. Since then, I have been learning a great deal really starting to enjoy the hobby. I'll post some pictures of my setup when I hit the 25 post mark :)

Take care,


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Ryan, welcome to NJRC and this wildly addictive hobby! We're glad you found us (thanks Jeff for pointing him in our direction!). I'm sure you'll find your experience here friendly & informative. I'm looking forward to seeing those pics.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Ryan..Great to have another northerner in the club, not many of you guys around! :) 150g is a great way to start!

You don't need to have 25 posts to post pictures, you can link to a photobucket (or similar) account from here to post them. You need to become a paid member to upload to our Gallery though.