• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Hello, I am anindo,live in sayreville. Im 20yrs old and go to middlesex county college. I have a 75g thats been setup for about 5 months now. Just have 100lbs LR, 1 clown, 1 algae blenny, and new zoos..I just payed and hopefully can join in some of the groupbuys and if anyone needs help with anything, it will be a pleasure..Thanks


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to the forums and to the club, Anin. Your privs are set for membership now. If you have any questions, post away!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Anin. Welcome to NJRC. Looking forward to meeting you at one of our meetings.
hey folks,

richT thanks for the welcome (on the other thread)!

Some quick introductions:
I work for a bank in NJ. We recently relocated across the hudson to Metuchen, NJ. I have absolutely zero handy skills. In NY my idea of a handy skill was to call the super. LOL.

I have a wife and two girls (5 and 1). We are adjusting to life here and I hope to re-start the hobby again (budget and wife permitting).

Not a whole lot of experience with sw (unless you count the ultra-frustrating 80s when the UGF was the *key* to success), I spent the better part of the past few years on the RC board. While that was great, I wanted to get in touch with something closer to home and this board seems absolutely perfect.

So once I get situated I'll be sure to post plenty of questions.

Have a great weekend!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Phil

Welcome To The Club!

You are pretty much right around the corner from me (I'm in South Plainfield). Ask all the questions you want...If someone can't answer it, we can surely point you in the right direction.

Have Fun!
Hi all, here's my story. Like a lot of you I was born and raised in NJ, Jersey City to be exact. I moved "down the shore" in 1984 and have been living in Brick since 1992. I'm one of the older folks around here - I'll be 50 in Dec. Been married for 29 years, yep I was 20, and have 3 boys the oldest of which graduated High School last week. I'm a finance guy who works in NYC and just loves the 3.5 hrs of daily commuting - NOTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

As for my reef experience it is currently zero. I had a 55 gal FOWLR for 3 yrs or so but broke it down in 2005 when work got kind of nuts. I've wanted a reef for a long time and have been lurking around RC for quite a while. I went out and bought a AGA 120 that is currently sitting in my Family room waiting to be set up. I found NJRC and was incredibly impressed with the membership and the officers. It realy is incredible how the member help eachother with things from basic advice to major tank moves! I joined last month and hope to meet many of you at the meetings. Unfortuneatly I ruptured my acchillies tendon a few weeks ago and am currently out of commission - but in the words of Governer Schwarteneger "I'll be back".


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Singlemalt. Welcome to NJRC. If you need a hand setting up your 120, give us a shout.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to NJRC! I can't imagine how much that achilles must hurt. Hopefully you're well on your way to recovery now!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to NJRC! Sorry to hear about your tendon, that's gotta hurt. Let us know if you need help with the 120. We live in Jackson so we're not too far away.

You ought to try to hobble over to this month's meeting. It's relatively local and is bound to be a good time. You may even be able to find a liquid pain-killer or two!
let me be the first non-moderator, non board member to say "Welcome aboard!"


Actually i agree - I am really impressed with the officers and members on this forum. All except for that Abby Stain person who keeps running. What's up with that?
Hi my name is marty born and raised in colonia nj 36 married 3 devils i mean sons started this crazy hobby bout a year ago i love it all i can say is im glad i work in nyc to make some good money for this hobby and my other hobby which is my 72 camaro rs and the newest toy a 83 chevy 2500 lifted hotrod/mudder truck.
Hello Marty and everyone else I missed. Welcome to NJRC! I hope the officers as well as the rest of us make all your stays nice. Hope to see you all at a meeting in the future.. At least one of them. :)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Marty,

Let's do this properly...


It's great that you found us...Now your hobby will be taken to a whole new level!
Hey my names Greg been in this expensive hobby for about 8 or 9 years now. Im 26 live in Brielle. I m down to a 10 gal reef right now. Currently I work in an office doing payroll and bookkeeping. I'v worked at a couple of pet stores and wholesalers. WOW as I'm writing this my gold stripe maroon just found the green bulb anemone only took 2 weeks in a 10 gal.
