• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Hey Jason,
Welcome to the club. You are lucky you get to start fresh and decide what you want. Once you make a decision half the "fun" is over. Everyone will be glad to help. Try to figure out what you want to keep and start there.
That's what kind of happened with my last tank. I bought everything at once and then the tank was full. I couldn't add anything. That's why I may need to get a bigger tank where I can have more options. Although buying in moderation would also be helpful.

jason - welcome! Hey i bought my tank a year ago and you'll probably be set up before me!! lol.

sorry to hear about the dad - hope everything is ok. Things like that definitely gives you a reality check.

oh one nice point - if you used to go to horrid animal and things - I would heartily suggest Aquatic Obsessions - down the street (literally) from A&T.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Jason, welcome to NJRC, we're glad you found us. That was a great write-up and introduction. Thanks for posting it. Feel free to ask any questions. We're always happy to help!
I stopped by there about two weeks ago. Aquatic Obsessions is just a couple of miles from home. I had to go to PetSmart for dog food so I only had a couple of minutes so I ran in took a look around and had to get home. I was impressed with what I saw.
:) - Hello I am glad I found this community.

I have lived all my life in NJ, specifically Hamilton Twp. I have kept freshwater fish all my life but this is my first entry into saltwater.

I setup a 20 gallon tank about 8 weeks ago and have slowly been adding to it. So far I have...

20 Gallon all glass tank built into the wall
Orbit 2x65 watt PC with 1 dual white and 1 dual actinic bulb. It also has 2 lunar lights
Rena XP-1 Canister Filter (have heard this is not the best method of filtration)
150 Watt Heater
Seaclone 100 Skimmer
About 25 pounds of live rock
About 2 inches of live sand (not sure how heavy)

Inside I have...
1 Normal Amphiprion ocellaris
1 Black Amphiprion ocellaris
1 Emerald Crab
1 Small Zoo Rock
1 Alveopora
1 Green Brain on a purple Mushroom Rock
1 Nepthia

On order I have a HOB refugium and some Chaeto.

I also setup a 10 gallon quarantine tank with some live sand and a small live rock.

I am married and we have one son who is 9. My other hobbies include fossil hunting, breeding ball pythons, hunting and fishing and am a big Disney fan.

Well that's it for now

Many hermits and snails


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Dan. Welcome to NJRC. We're glad you found us. Good luck with your new foray into the saltwater realm. We're here to answer any questions you may have along the way.
Hey everyone, my name is Bryan. New to NJ, actually from upstate NY. Have had fish for as long as I can remember. Got my first saltwater tank in 2003, started with a nano 10 gallon. A year later I got a 72 gallon as the addiction spread. ;D Currently have a 95 gallon bow front and a 15 gallon nano which I just started about a month ago.

Mundanely, I work as a fabrication machinery mechanic and am a VW enthusiast. Live in Northern NJ. Looking forward to meeting and chatting with everyone.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Bryan. Welcome to NJ and to NJRC. We're glad you found us. Hopefully you can attend some of our meetings as they are great way to meet other members, talk about our systems and generally have a good time.

name's mikey from bergen county area. work as an IT for KPMG. i started 7+ months ago with FW and found the fish not as amazing as SW fish and would find myself wandering over to the SW section everytime i went into the LFS.

i moved over to SW with a 33gal long for free from a family friend. so far have been researching a lot but have essentially killed all my fish. they caught some odd diseases (ICH, fungus, etc) probably with plenty of mistakes a long the way of learning.

fortunately, i decided to move backwards to a 15 gallon tank to start over and understand a bit more to leave the material money supply at a minimum. (learning to maintain the correct water quality, create a fuge and plumbing, auto top off, working with acrylic, doing a lot of DIY projects before i journey into a 75+gal tank sometime next year)

if there are meets in bergen county that others show how to do some odds and ends. PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
My Name is Chuck I am 44 years old born and raised in Clifton NJ, now residing in Parsippany NJ. I am a ASE certified Master Automotive Technician. I own my own shop in Clifton. I am married with 3 children. I in college.

This is the newest in what i am sure will be a costly hobby. Past hobbies include. Scuba diving= for over 30 years working a Jersey diveboat out of Point Pleasent NJ.

I am also a FCC licensed Helicopter pilot. And avid hockey fan . I travel all over America with my 3 children who all play high level hockey. My youngest son is approaching the rank of Eagle scout and I am a assistant Scoutmaster.
welcome chuck. sounds like a lot of fun things you get yourself into. coming from an expensive hobby (cars) into fish world. almost damn comparable! ha. never thought this hobby would cost as much as it does.

from live rock (who the hell would have thought i would spend 100+$ for pieces of rock), equipment, maintenance, to THE FISH! then there's corals.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I think if they put signs up in the stores saying "Expect the equipment to be the cheapest part and it will cost roughly 50$/gallon" there would be precious few folks in the hobby! LOL! Luckily we get sucked in by the beauty, intrigue and challange before we realize!
Name is Mike and I have no experience with aquariums let alone reefs. I spend my days working in corporate operations and my winter weekends judging freestyle skiing events. The rest of my time is spent with my family which includes a 7yr old bass fishing enthusiast. Former interests include: freestyle skiing, climbing, machining and offroading. Skiing let me to mountain climbing which led me to offroading which led me to welding and machining. I've always been fascinated by reef tanks though, so have finally stepped into the batters cage. Only thing is I wasn't ready for all the curve balls lol. We are starting with a biocube 14g.
welcome to NJRC everyone!

to chuck and mikey - after reading around and if it you think the club is a good fit - please do consider joining.


No pressure - feel free to lurk as long as you want or come to a meeting or two! Just an fyi - we are *currently* doing two group buys with a possible third one in february. Being a member allows you to particiate in the group buys. Right now we're buying bulbs (over 4 feet long) and doing the once-a-year Premium Aquatics Buy.

Mike - I know you're already part of the club. I do something similar during the week but my weekends are spent picking up after the kids, cleaning the yard, etc. etc. (then when time permits, a water change for the tank!) ;D


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hawkeye said:
...Right now we're buying bulbs (over 4 feet long) and doing the once-a-year Premium Aquatics Buy.

Just a quick correction, it's a "once a quarter" Premium Aquatics group buy. Long bulbs (over 3') are done annually.