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Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Hi, I'm kinda new here. Have been reading posts and discussing things with Bryan, who joined here a little while ago and I thought maybe, since he managed to addict me to this hobby now too, I may as well get involved and learn some stuff on my own. He gave me his 15g nano to play with and I haven't started yet, so be kind. I have been watching and learning as he deals with his 72g here and I had been watching him with his 95g for almost a year, so though the idea is not new to me, some of the concepts are. He's made me sit down with him and run water tests every time he does them, so I know what that's all about. And you all seemed to love the database I made for him, so that give me some hope for fitting in here. ;D

As for the nano....ok, I'm going to act like a dumb girl here...I want lots of pretty fish, hows that?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Vikki. You'll hafta wait for your next upgrade before you can get LOTS OF pretty fish. In the mean time, ask any questions you might need answered.
Thanks. And though I'd love to have a huge school of multi-colored fish, I know that's a bit far fetcehd fro a 15g. I just don't know which go with what fish. I know damsel are nasty and Angels eat coral and most of the pretty ones I have asked to buy when I got to the fish store with Bryan every other day ;D he tells me they won't live out the night in one tank....so is there are hard fast rule on what fish get along?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Firefish have a nice color to them. So do some gobies.
If you're like everyone else in this hobby, you'll have a tank big enough for seahorses by next year.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to the addiction...uhh...I mean hobby, Vikki!

I give it 6 months till you upgrade your tank...Good luck! :)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Bryan said:
If i get a bigger tank shecan have the 72G (My room mate)

Sounds like a good deal to me. Start introducing her to Matt so he can get her educated while you look for your upgrade. ;D
He already has a 95g sitting idle up in NY that I know he would LOVE to bring in here, but then there would be no room to sleep.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Vikki said:
He already has a 95g sitting idle up in NY that I know he would LOVE to bring in here, but then there would be no room to sleep.

Get rid of the TV.
You're not being a very big help, Mike. If it were up to Bryan, all the walls would be made of tank....which, ok, would be damn cool, but.....
Well I guess it is time to dive in ;D

My name is David,

I have been tagging along for about 8 months now. I set up a 28 JBJ about 7 months ago. I got into the hobby by complete accident. 3 Years ago my wife and I were landscaping our back yard and she wanted "some water". That led to a 900 gallon pond with a little waterfall. That led to 3 Koi and 10-15 goldfish. I've learned a ton over the last three years and managed to not lose any fish with the exception of a Blue Heron that got 2-3 of the bigger goldfish before I was able to stop him.

From that, I just happened into a Reef store and was hooked. I am impatient by nature and am trying to use the little bit of patience I do have to do things right. So far things have gone pretty well (it's only been 7 months), with the exception of getting a little lax for about 1 month, and hair algae taking over. For the last 3 weeks I have been extremely diligent including daily pulling (manually) of the algae, and hopefully it is in remission (although it appears it will take some time to get rid of it)

A little more about me. I am 36, have a wife and a 10 year old son. We live in Madison (near Morristown). My last hobby which I just gave up due to the cost was flying. I got my pilots license about 3 years ago (My dad was a pilot in the army and it was always a dream of mine). I know, I know, reefing is not cheap, although I am trying to control cost by staying small with a nano and fighting every urge I have to go big. Maybe someday someone will have that incredible system that they just want to see go to a good home :).

I just wanted to Thank everyone for there posts. Like I said, I have been tagging along for 8 months or so, and have found this site (along with some others) very helpful, so I finally stopped dragging my feet and became a full member and wanted to say THANKS.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to NJRC. Did you ever consider turning your 900gallon pond into a native saltwater pond? ;D
Wow, Mike, you're on a roll. ;D If I don't watch myself, I have a feeling I'm going to have to invest in scuba gear soon.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Vikki said:
Wow, Mike, you're on a roll. ;D If I don't watch myself, I have a feeling I'm going to have to invest in scuba gear soon.
You don't have scuba gear yet? Shame on you.