• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Hi, name is Jessica and if you haven't guessed already I am MBodell's wifey. I am 26 with 3 kiddos. As he said we are rather new to saltwater tanks, however I did grow up with a fresh water tank and a saltwater tank. This started out as my hubby's hobby, but I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Other than that I am a stay-at-home mom who likes to sew, read, work-out. I look forward to meeting everybody....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome Bodells and thanks for your sponsorship! I see you're on the RSVP list for our meeting. That's great. We look forward to meeting you! However, I don't see the kids registered. Feel free to bring them along. Families are always welcome. We have 2 kids (6 and 9) with tons of toys and things to keep youngsters occupied.
Hi everyone, my name is John, I am 23 and graduating college from Montclair State Univ. in May. I have lived in NJ my whole life and live in Locust. Spent last 3 years keeping two freshwater tanks (30g & 75g) with various cichlid species, and over the holidays decided it was time I tried saltwater.
Converted my 30g tank to a reef ready tank on 1/18 after a month or so of planning and preparation. Tank has been up and running smoothly since then and I am just waiting to add livestock. Found NJRC in Feb and became a member, looking forward to the knowledge shared by everyone here, I will use all of it while planning my 75g conversion!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi John. Welcome to NJRC! Congrats on your pending graduation and also on your conversion to salt water. Feel free to ask any questions and tap in on the wealth of knowledge on this site. Your upgrade to the 75 should go smooth as silk!
Thank you for the invite for the kiddos, but we are coming without them (which is a first for me to be without them all). Maybe next time around we can bring Thing 1, Thing 2, and Thing 3. I'm excited to come to the meeting next weekend. See you all soon.
Well Here we go :)

my Name is Ryan, I'm 20 years old at the moment. I live in Cape May NJ where I've lived my entire life.

I was at work today when I saw a customer with a Deep red T-shirt that said "Saving the World's Reefs, One Living Room at a Time. I approached him and we got to talking, that is how I ended up here.

You may know the man as "RichT". He gave me quite a few useful tips when I mentioned that while I am not yet a reefer, it is in the plans by the end of the summer. I currently keep 2 FW tanks 1 being a community tank and the other, South American Cichlids. I've been doing my research lately on the various aspects of a SW set-up and hope to start purchasing a set-up piece by piece very soon.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Ryan welcome to NJRC!...glad ya found us ok. There's a lot of info on this board and everyone here is always anxious to help with your questions. So ask away. Once I'm able to get my tank presentable again, you'll have to swing by and check it out.
Sounds like a Plan, I appreciate you being so helpful earlier today :)

Well, I'm off to do some reading, have a lot to learn!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Ryan, Welcome to NJRC! RichT is a good man and he really knows his stuff about reef keeping. I'm glad he pointed you in our direction.
Hello everyone,

I am finally getting back into the hobby after a long break. I got out due to finances, then was moving around, then got married, so I wasn't able to set up a tank. Now that all of that is settled, I just bought a 75g from evolX. I'm in the process of setting it up now, and will keep everyone posted as it progresses.

Good to be back!
redfishbluefish said:
Beerfish, welcome. We'll be looking for those posting in "Tale of the Tank."

Thanks! I've been working hard on it all day. I've finally got it filled and running, and am waiting for it to settle a bit so I can start the aquascaping.
Hello, My name is Lance and I am 38 living in South Jersey all my life. I started out with a 55 gallon Red belly Piranhas, Oscars & snake heads in the early 90’s. I took a break for a while and started back into salt water 8 years ago after my family bought me dead rock, crush coral, wet dry, salt, hydrometer for Christmas. I start with Saltwater fish only than added low level coral and now I am hooked. I wanted to go bigger but just did not have the cash to drop a couple of grand on a bigger tank. I waited patiently and came across a used 155 gallon bow front set up for a great price and bought it. For a while I had two system up and running but in deceided to sell my original 55 gallon set up to another member in December 08.
Since the last two years I have meet many great people on this site helping me out and I am thankful for that.

Here is my current photo of my tank

hello, native njian here, moved back to U.S last year. One day I decided I wanted a newt f or our freshwater tank. My wife didn't. She said look at this fish. It was a mandarin. 6 months later and 200 lbs of live rock. 200 corals . Maybe we are ready for one. Not sure yet. more rock needed. Bigger refugium.We live in Medford. we are looking for fellow reefers to share ideas ,see other peoples tanks, and make friends and gain knowledge.
hello to all. after spending a few months following this site i decided to become more involved and share my journey of upgrading from nano to red sea max 250 that i bought last weekend. i have had a nano tank for the last 9 months. I live in lower bergen county - Wallington NJ. I hope to meet learn a lot from people who have some amazing tanks and a lot of experience on this site.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to NJRC thylacine. You'll find a variety of different tanks here
If you ever get a chance to go to one of our meetings, you'll gain tons of knowledge and make lots of new friends.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome zubr74. Looking forward to seeing your tank build in the Tale of Tank thread.
Hey, all,

I'm completely new to all of this, since the last fish tank I owned was a 26 gallon freshwater when I was a kid.

Then I went and married a guy (beerfish on here) with several expensive hobbies, including this one. So we've gone & gotten ourselves a 75 gallon tank as a wedding present to ourselves. Right now, it's pretty much rock, algae, snails, and hermit crabs. I've been assured, though, that in the not-too-distant future we'll have a gorgeous tank full of corals and fish, so impatient though I am, I'm waiting... and learning.

So... hi! I'll be around. I may be new to reef tanks, but I'm by no means new to discussion forums.