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Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Paul B

NJRC Member
Hello people.
I just got here.
It seems like a nice forum (even though I see my name mentioned in a few places)
I diden't say any of it.

Anyway I started my reef in 1972, it runs a reverse UG filter (yeah I know it can't work)
I also use some NSW from the Atlantic, an algae trough and just about everything is homemade.
It is what it is.
Anyway, nice to meet you :D
Hey Paul nice of you to get setup here.
Certainly enjoy your postings elsewhere. I may have even been guilty of using your tank as reference.

Lets see those bottle pics.

Paul B

NJRC Member
OK maybe just one

rodclement said:
Hello everyone!

My name is Rod and I just moved to Edison from Philly about 3 months ago! I am still totally lost and have no clue where anything is! ANyways...

I am a Country Club Manager, originally from Brasil and have been keeping aquariums since I was 12. I have kept and bred Discus very succesfully but my work schedule made it a pain in the butt to handle all the maintnence required to keep it up. I have since sold all my stock and equipment and decided to go with something easier...like a reef tank ;D!

I broke down my 125gl and sold it in Philly and bought a new 75gl for the new house, smaller was a compromise with the wife...and have moved my livestock from the old tank to the new one. I have mostly softies and some small SPS and LPS just for fun!

Simplicity is a must for me, I run no major filters or refugiums other then a skimmer and a homemade Aqua Clear refugium that has chaeto. I have a lot of live rock in my tank, and perfome weekly small water changes, so far it has worked for me, no losses or major issues.

I am a newbie to reefkeeping an looking forward to meeting all of you at an upcoming meeting! I will post pictures soon! Thanks for reading! :D


welcome neighbor! you are in luck to be situated near 3 great LFS - red sand, aquatic obsessions and ocean gallery II. Before long you'll be outgrowing the 75 again! ;D

Paul B said:
OK another,
I am partial to this guy, we are old friends ;D

Paul - we definitely need a FTS!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
welcome neighbor! you are in luck to be situated near 3 great LFS - red sand, aquatic obsessions and ocean gallery II. Before long you'll be outgrowing the 75 again!

Thanks neighbor! I have been to all three and they are all great! I must say my favorite so far is Red Sand, Feng is the man!

Hello, my name is Jerry and I live in Toms River with my wife, two children and two dogs. I am a police officer. In my spare time I work on the house and on my tank. I have had setups before but never had the money to do it "right". Now I do and I really enjoy the quiet time working on the tank. This site is a blessing to aquarium owners just starting out. The knowledge and advise that can be obtained here is priceless.

I am running a 120 gallon extra tall with a 20 gallon sump, venturi skimmer, 4- T5 lights. Recently picked up some frags from this site with two perculas and one mimic tang.

Once again hello and thank you again for making this site what it is.
jamman said:
Hello, my name is Jerry and I live in Toms River with my wife, two children and two dogs. I am a police officer. In my spare time I work on the house and on my tank. I have had setups before but never had the money to do it "right". Now I do and I really enjoy the quiet time working on the tank. This site is a blessing to aquarium owners just starting out. The knowledge and advise that can be obtained here is priceless.

I am running a 120 gallon extra tall with a 20 gallon sump, venturi skimmer, 4- T5 lights. Recently picked up some frags from this site with two perculas and one mimic tang.

Once again hello and thank you again for making this site what it is.

Welcome! thank you for serving and helping others. Another 120 owner - and an extra tall at that! Does that make it slimmer front to back or just shorter from side to side? You have to start a tale of the tank. There are quite a few 120 threads that hopefully can give you insight on the pluses and pitfalls of maintaining that setup.
Name is Dave and I am a native to New Jersey. Even went to Rutgers.

I am married. I just celebrated 10 years with my wife, who I first met in highschool, but did not start dating until after college.

My two girls(2 and 4) keep me busy when I am not working (IT) or doing something with my new hobby.

It has been a long time since I kept fish until my recent jump into a reef aquarium.

Prior to the purchase of my tank, I spent close to a year looking around off and on.

I finally took the plunge and have had my tank up for about 6 months. I purchased the tank off of someone else, so it was somewhat established when I picked it up, but it was maintained poorly.

It is a 60 gallon cube 24" X 24" X 24" (hence the cube designation ;)).

In the short 6 months I have had it up, I have been pleased with the progress, and this hobby has fit like a glove for me. I have loved every minute of it.

Thanks to all on the forum that have helped me so far, and I look forward to getting to know you all better.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

Welcome to the NJRC! It's a great club. Any questions you might have ask away. You may want to check the newbie forum that will be up soon it will have alot of the common questions and if you cant' find it ask. If you want to put the names with faces attend a meeting and you will be welcomed. Where are you located?

welcome dave! i won't be at the next meeting (out of town) - but hopefully we can catch up in july! New folks always seem to have the best luck with raffles! :)

hope the trip to AqOb went ok.
Helloy name is Das and i currently study at Rutgers majoring in both Marine Science and Biotechnology. I have kept marine aquariums for a long time and currently have a 54G and a 10G Freshwater Planted Tank. 54G is still in the "rebuilding" phase after an aptasia attack and so I am slowly adding livestock to it.
Thanks Magic and Hawkeye. I am in Voorhees NJ, so will try to attend the south and potentially central meetings.

And welcome Das!
Hey guys, my names Adam and I live in North Jersey; specifically Wyckoff. I have a 65 gallon tank that is slowly turning into a reef tank.