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Search results

  1. Tazmaniancowboy

    MAY 2012 meeting

    Thanks for the offer, Hope I can make it!
  2. Tazmaniancowboy

    Our 45g cube

    Looks good as usual. LOL, that reflection makes it appear like you are hanging frags like CRF.
  3. Tazmaniancowboy

    Sunny's Aggressive Monti Contest April 2012 Winner

    LMAO! Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  4. Tazmaniancowboy

    New (tank and reefer) 90 gallon build

    Welcome. Sounds like you have been collecting for a while. Nice size to work with, and you will love the basement sump trust me!
  5. Tazmaniancowboy

    Jose7878 new 150 gal

    How long have you been running these? Do you have problems burning out bulbs? Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Tazmaniancowboy

    Corals closing up

    I have had this happen also with no Ill effects. the skimmer is pulling stuff out of the tank that was there originally, should be no harm. I suspect another problem. You should run carbon, but you Need to answer the water questions above before I can give better advice.
  7. Tazmaniancowboy

    TFP/TPP Lancaster

    I have purchased many things from That Fish Place in Lancaster for good prices and the customer service was good also. Well this week I had a few random things to order so I was shopping around to get a good price, but more importantly to me was speed and ability to order all items in one...
  8. Tazmaniancowboy

    The new encyclopedia of the saltwater aquarium by greg jennings.... Only $5!!!!!!!!!!

    I went to Lancaster 2 weeks ago and while my wife was in the outlets she told me I should go look for the book in the Five Below store for the book...Yeah right a Five Below Outlet??? LOL, Well while I was waiting for her, I did go in and sure enough it was under the first book I picked up, I...
  9. Tazmaniancowboy

    union valve for deltec skimmer

    Olivier, sorry to hear this, Is it a special part? I am unfamiliar with those skimmers. Can you post a pic?
  10. Tazmaniancowboy

    Jose7878 new 150 gal

    Very Nice. Welcome to NJRC
  11. Tazmaniancowboy

    Stale gasoline...how do you get rid of it in NJ?

    Put it in your car for smokescreen affect! Isn't that what James Bond uses? LOL, Just kidding
  12. Tazmaniancowboy

    MAY 2012 meeting

    Our May Meeting will be at the home of Terri and Anthony Desimone (adesimone1) When: Saturday, May 12th from 1:00 to 5:00 PM Where:582 Beckett Rd Swedesboro, NJ 08085 We started reef keeping in 2005 most of you know the details. We have had many different size tanks through the years. We...
  13. Tazmaniancowboy

    jpelzer's 240 in-wall reef

    Looking great! Going to be a nice system Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  14. Tazmaniancowboy

    Tank maintenance during vacation

    One thing I would like to say is it would be better to underfeed than to over feed if you do chose your neighbor again. Unless you are going away for an extended period of time or have fish that require feeding daily(not accustomed to) the tank will survive in my opinion. There are a couple of...
  15. Tazmaniancowboy

    Regenerating GFO ?

    What will John Warner think about this? Tang police Wish I could answer your question, but curious to see who has experience with it.
  16. Tazmaniancowboy

    Happy Anniversary to us

    Wow that sucks, I thought you were going to say you lost everything, my heart stopped for a moment. Very sorry to hear that, hope you make out OK.
  17. Tazmaniancowboy

    dnov99's 260 Gal eye candy thread...

    Can't say anything better than all the above posters. I'm glad to hear and see that all went well, now you can sleep at night! Looks great from the pics, but I will have to find an excuse to come see it in person! I am really happy to hear that the president was there protecting you and your...
  18. Tazmaniancowboy

    April meeting Thank you

    Thanks for everyone who attended. It was great to see some old faces and meet some new ones. I had a good time talking with people when I could, If I missed you, Sorry! Once again the food was great from the Elks and it was definitely a nice place to deal with. John Coppolino's talk was...
  19. Tazmaniancowboy

    Free Scroll coral

    Where did you find this trick Richie? Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Tazmaniancowboy

    Hey redfishbluefish...i've got a suggestion for you.....

    Happy Birthday Paul, moving on up the birthday dicsount percentage!