Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
On the bottom right of a post there is a row of buttons, There is a notify button located there that will send you an e-mail when new posts have been made.
Hopefully that's what you're looking for.
Well, it's been a looooong time since I've posted anything about my tank. Mostly because it's been one disaster after another.
First it was flatworms (for the third time) I got through that only to have bryopsis show up and cover the whole tank. I boosted my mag and like magic it went...
I would be the Brian that Wil and Ethan were telling you about. I had the same experience. Came home from work and 10 fish were dead. This was in my 225g and I have about 300 gallons total. Tested before a water change all parameters were fine, I was able to track my temp on my Aqua Controller...
yes, you would need a second drum to feed the ATO, unless you keep the one you have now unsalted.
It doesn't matter how far away the drum is from your sump, as long as the pump has enough head pressure to get it over to the sump.
My RO unit is about 10 feet or so away from my water storage drum (probably closer to 20 after the tubing is run along the walls to get to the drum). The way I have it set up (and probably most others) is that you have your RO/DI unit hooked to a float switch in some sort of drum. Then you have...
Re: AGA 120 (very few pictures and lots of dull writing)
Sorry to see that Phil. I think we've all been through something similar. Hopefully they will make it right.
That's the exact reason I got a float switch. I can't tell you how many times I did that...most of the time I would be at work and then all of a sudden a light bulb would go off in my head and I would be like OH NO! (well, not OH NO exactly, but you get the point!)
Can someone please tell me how you say the name of this store?
Debbie complained about the Petco in Piscataway once, she wrote to corporate. It did NOTHING. We didn't get a response, and the fish section is just as bad as it was. I guess it depends on the store manager wanting to care for the...
You also have to consider salt spray/water splashing. I think it's pretty standard to mount them approximately 10 - 12" off the surface of the water. Unless of course, you have a shield over your halides, then you could put them closer...although like Phil said you would have to worry about heat.