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Search results

  1. B

    Flatworm Exit

    You can also try a product by Blue Life called Flatworm Control. I didn't have much success with FWE (they always seemed to come back). I tried the Blue Life and it worked great.
  2. B

    We are now grandparents of 1

    Congratulations, Erna! Can't wait to see pictures of the new frag!
  3. B

    I think I know a member that would love these....

    Ya know...ya gotta draw the line somewhere....and that would be the "somewhere" that I'm drawing it!
  4. B

    On All Hallows Eve, when the moon is round...

    Yeah, when I walked out and saw it stuck there...originally I laughed...I mean, how often do you see that...then I tried to get it off...I was hardly laughing at that point!!
  5. B

    On All Hallows Eve, when the moon is round...

    Well, no toilet paper...just a "feminine product" glued to my new car >:( Happy Halloween!
  6. B


    Congratulations, Bob! She's adorable!
  7. B

    What's your current ride?

    Took you long enough, Ed!! ;D
  8. B

    Microsoft Windows 7

    Yeah, I had no choice but to get Vista....I could have bought XP and partitioned the HD and ran that...but I decided to mess with Vista. I have to be honest, I don't mind it at all...things are in different places...it does some strange things sometimes...but all in all I don't think it's as...
  9. B

    Microsoft Windows 7

    Oh great...I just bought a new laptop with Vista!! Damn Microsoft!!!
  10. B

    November Monthly Meeting; Sunday the 23rd Whiting, NJ

    Our November monthly meeting will be held at the home of Andy (NJReefGeek) and Jeanne. Hope to see you all there! INFO RSVP
  11. B

    Meet Inky?? Squishey's sidekick!

    Ok, now that's just funny!!
  12. B

    Avatar Help

    Check the FAQ section, there is one on avatars...should help you out.
  13. B

    what kind of caulk/silicone?

    I thought it was Silicone II from Home Depot? Regardless, it can't have any mold/mildew inhibitors in it...that's what you have to look out for.
  14. B

    So who's not attending the frag swap?

    I'm taking that and running with it! ;D
  15. B

    MOVED: True Perculas

    This topic has been moved to For Sale or Trade. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=12827.0
  16. B

    MOVED: Harlequin Tusk

    This topic has been moved to Fish or FOWLR. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=12870.0
  17. B

    Frags for the meeting

    FWIW this was for last months meeting.
  18. B

    Newbie Question – Night Lights ???

    Is the light coming from the bottom of the tank? If so, I'm not so sure that's good for the fish...Light coming from the ground isn't natural! lol Seriously though, I could swear I remember reading about light coming in from unnatural angles causing stress on fish.
  19. B

    Congratulations Aug/Sept POTM Contest!

    Great Pic, Tom!