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Search results

  1. S

    Noisy Sump...lots of air...suggestions?

    Thats interesting, actually. I think I might be able to test that pretty easily. Thanks! :)
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    Noisy Sump...lots of air...suggestions?

    The sump is getting a filter sock/holder soon, and eventually will have a skimmer...don't think I need it until the tank is at least cycled.
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    Noisy Sump...lots of air...suggestions?

    So this is my first time having a sump setup on a tank, and it is a little noisier than I'd like. It seems the overflow is pulling a lot of air down through...so in the sump it's like a kid blowing bubbles in his drink with a straw. Here is the setup in the tank: ...and here is a quick...
  4. S

    FREE Powder Blue Tang

    Gunna set him loose on your death rock? :)
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    FREE Powder Blue Tang

    Man, i am just filling my new 90 gallon tank, which I believe I'm going to go FOWL, and would LOVE that fish for the tank...would make it the centerpiece. BUT, the tank isn't quite ready....and he ain't fitting in the 13.5. ;-)
  6. S

    Subliminal's Fluval Evo 13.5 Build

    Figured it was worth an update. All of the algae that was growing on the top of the rocks has seemed to disapear. I dare say I'm skipping the ugly stage. hehe...time will tell I suppose. I set the tank up on Feb 5th with all live...well, everything. The only algae I really have is in the...
  7. S

    Good inexpensive circulation pump?

    Ok, thanks guys...I'll check out the Jebaos. :)
  8. S

    Good inexpensive circulation pump?

    Hey everyone, I have this 90 gallon I'm setting up with 60 lbs of sand, and ~50 lbs of rock, and thinking its going to be a FOWL...maybe a puffer or trigger or something...not sure yet, just have enough going on with my lil guy and the coral. I have the overflow to a sump, but I feel like it...
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    Looks like I'm getting a 90 gallon this weekend...

    Holy Hannah is this baby scratched up. I mean. When I was cleaning it I noticed, but after putting the lights in too an firing up the t5s. Ouch.
  10. S

    Need some sump advice

    It does have a control knob on the side...I assume thats for speed?
  11. S

    Looks like I'm getting a 90 gallon this weekend...

    He does look a little skeptical, doesn't he?
  12. S

    Need some sump advice

    So I found a deal I couldn't pass on for a 90 gallon tank, which has an overflow and both the stand and tank are ready for a sump....I've never had a tank with a sump before. I had to drop off the previous owners fish to Ocean Gallery or somesuch, as I couldn't take them right now, and I had...
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    Looks like I'm getting a 90 gallon this weekend...

    Heheh..no. Got this lil number:
  14. S

    Looks like I'm getting a 90 gallon this weekend...

    Found a Facebook deal that was just too good to be true...but it's true. :) This one I think I'm going to start from scratch and take it slow...or at least that is my plan. Get some sand in a bag, some dry rock, drop in some Dr. Tims and a shrimp or something, and just wait for a while. :)
  15. S

    WTB: Peppermint Shrimp

    They refunded me the $13 even when I asked for replacement. I ordered $75 worth of nonsense to get the shipping and ended up with everything except what I needed. I’m h well. The conchs and sexy shrimp are pretty cool.
  16. S

    WTB: Peppermint Shrimp

    And everything from Reef Cleaners came in awesome shape, packaged and happy to get in the tank. Except the two bags with the peppermint shrimp. Those guys were dead. Grrrr. Everything else was just to hit shipping cost!
  17. S

    Forrest Green Scripps Colony

    I'd like a frag...but you're pretty far. Ever go northish (Princeton area?) :)
  18. S

    Any AC experience here?

    A few folk in my neighborhood all got theirs installed at the same time. Most of the places charged about 50% equipment, 50% install. So, $15k in unit and $15k in installation. I had mine done by a shop, who also had to stamp my permit and put it in a sealed envelope and submit it to the...
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    Any AC experience here?

    Mini split is the cat's pajamas...super efficient, and the newer ones can do heating/cooling. You can do it yourself, for the most part. You need to ensure the lines aren't longer than ~25 ft. or you'll need to buy supplemental gas. The systems come with enough additional charge to fill up to...
  20. S

    Need emergency brook help!

    Thank you. Wish I had it. He seemed fine yesterday and was a mess this AM, and died a few minutes after I moved him to QT. :(