Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Now to figure out how to feed him. He's pretty timid, and I don't want to go throwing tons of food in the newly established tank.
Any ideas? Tried mysis with a plunger and it just scared him away.
So today I hit 3 pet stores looking for my first fish.
1. Reefco. Love this store, but they didn't have what I'm looking for. No triggers, no grouper, no puffer...just a really pale looking powder brown.
2. Petco in North Plainfield. All they had was clownfish...and sadness.
3. Ocean...
Hey Mark, I'll take the items if they're still available, and can place a deposit directly into your bank account. Could you send me your SSN and bank account number? I'll do it right away! ;)
I was in Reefco today and was blown away. Best coral and fish store I’ve been in…ever. Everything was clean, the guy working there was knowledgeable and personable. The fish selection was outstanding and the coral. Wow!
Maybe it’s because my tank is so small and I am fallow for the moment, but my three shrimp are always out and about…
the emerald is kind of reclusive though.
Ok, so figured I'd post up my build, as it progresses.
Found a deal online for a $150 Oceanic 90 gallon bowfront with two (semi-complete) sumps, and Coralife T5 hood. stand, yadda yadda.
On the way home I stopped by Ocean Gallery, where I made questionable purchasing choices and left with $340...
Tried that and didn’t have much luck. I only used a foot or so. Maybe I needed more?
I put a valve in when I was messing with it today and closed it a little and now she is quiet but the filter sick looks like a skimmer.
Understood. The nipple isn't quite the right size for the RO hose.
Is the premise that the hose should go down into the water stream? Why would a hose on the nipple be important?
Ok, so am thinking about replacing the drain hose with a's pretty much a straight shot to where the sump is, and where I can mount a filter sock.
Would the pipe terminate above the sock, or in the sock? In the water or above water level?