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Search results

  1. R

    Ultimate Coral - What You Need To Know

    What time does it end?
  2. R

    GSP and any LPS

    I wish... Mine just doesn't grow like weeds. :(
  3. R

    Breaking down my tank

    What's your coral situation? Are you putting those up as well?
  4. R

    What is your favorite coral?

    Didn't get home till after my lights turned off yesterday, I'll have to post today for sure!
  5. R

    Copper Band Butterfly death

    That seems more of a parasite or something. Did you notice any damage on him?
  6. R

    What is your favorite coral?

    Just sparking some conversation: What is your favorite coral in your tank and how long have you had it? Post pictures of it!! I will post mine later today when I'm home from work.
  7. R

    Ultimate Coral - What You Need To Know

    I have been trying to make it to you multiple times.. Living up north it's always a hike! Hopefully I can make this!
  8. R

    Copper Band Butterfly death

    I have actually seen a large amount of them thriving in captivity. The owner just needs to know their requirements to thrive.. That being said, as stated above, they are notorious for being finicky eaters. Once eating they seem like a quality reef citizen
  9. R

    Copper Band Butterfly death

    It could have been some sort of internal parasite.. That is my only educated guess
  10. R


    I've been running the same 200W aqueon heater from petco for about 7 years now. Works like a charm! *knock on wood* :loyal:
  11. R

    Tank teardown

    Oh man! What are ya gonna do with all those corals??
  12. R

    New new 40 breed

    I would definitely get those nitrates down just a bit! Otherwise, lookin good!
  13. R

    Looking for small tall tank.

    I have a IM 20 AIO with stand and Orbit LOOP light.
  14. R

    Nano Stock, tons of Corals, Clams, Rare fish

    I understand that! I definitely need to swing by there and check out the store front!
  15. R

    Innovative Marine Nuvo 20G

    Still available
  16. R

    Innovative Marine Nuvo 20G

    Picture of lid and light
  17. R

    Innovative Marine Nuvo 20G

    Picure of filtration compartment
  18. R

    Innovative Marine Nuvo 20G

    A little dirty, everything works flawlessly though. Nothing a little clean up can't fix. I have a powerhead I can throw in as well if interested for $300 total. (Not an Orbit wavemaker)