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Search results

  1. R


    How much are they? Very intetested.
  2. R

    Marketing material - brochures

    I just assumed our club colors were a maroonish red, white and grey. I may be wrong? That's just the color I've seen of the shirts and the banner on this forum.
  3. R

    Marketing material - brochures

    Looks good! I still would like to see more club colors incorporated within the flyer (Even if the boarder color is just changed)
  4. R

    Marketing material -please vote. Urgent

    I voted for bag 1 in contingency that the bag isn't flat and it's a lunch box style bag. I am a fan of the simplistic design and what looks to be affordable cost, it also comes closest to our club colors.
  5. R

    Chalice show off thread

    I've got a few I'll try to show off later!
  6. R

    Reef a palooza New York

    I will be there! Love how it's only about 30min from my house. In JERSEY!
  7. R

    April 2018 Meeting

    I can't make it :( I really wish I could see that marvel of a tank (or so it sounds) Hoping for lots and lots of pictures!
  8. R

    Working fish

    Generally yes. What kinds did you have in mind?
  9. R

    Coral identification

    Practice Practice Practice. That's the best way you're going to do it. Whenever you're in stores just ask about all the ones you're unsure of... Also search forums for pictures of corals and PRACTICE
  10. R

    New new 40 breed

    Looking forward to seeing the new build!
  11. R


    I don't see anything?
  12. R

    Working fish

    Tailspot Blenny
  13. R

    March photo of the month

    Wow. Making decisions hard.
  14. R

    2018-3-22 Poll of the day - Dwarf Angelfish

    I currently have a Flame Angel in my 40B mixed reef.. No issues so far *knock on wood* (I keep him well fed)
  15. R

    Frag Grow out Summer 2018 DISCUSSION

    Can someone remove me from the list. I'm going to back out of this challenge.
  16. R

    Welcome Iconic Aquariums LLC

  17. R

    Etmanning's 90g Build

    Honestly, I wouldn't change anythign if everything seems happy and is growing
  18. R

    Etmanning's 90g Build

    Me too
  19. R

    Vacation planning

    I have also marked a small line on my sump for my "water line" so whenever it evaporates I just add fresh water there to keep the salinity stable.