• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. R

    Innovative Marine Nuvo 20G

    I am selling my IM 20 AIO with the gloss stand and an Orbit LOOP light and controller. The tank was used for less than 6 months and I am not using it anymore because I upgraded to a 40B. I love the tank, but I'm looking to reinvest back into my current systems. I am asking $275 For...
  2. R

    May 2018 Monthly Meeting

    Unfortunately I have plans! I hope you get a good showing though!
  3. R

    Softy frags

    Ocean Image Aquatics
  4. R

    April photo of the month

    Not even worried. I wasn't winning this month. I'll try again next month!
  5. R

    April photo of the month

    My post didn't make it.. msut ahve gotten lost in the email. Not a problem because it definitely wasn't gonna win this month. Great photos!
  6. R

    New new 40 breed

    So far so good! :thumbsup:
  7. R

    Dangerdave’s reef

    Some of your frags in your frag tank are looking less like frags and more like colonies at this point!
  8. R

    April 2018 Meeting

    Oh boy. Was there a mini blow up at the meeting? The video chat sounded cool, who was it with? How about some pictures from the meeting!
  9. R

    New new 40 breed

    I noticed I posted that after you already got responses. I'm glad you're happy with it though :)
  10. R

    New new 40 breed

    I like this scape much more than the previous one you did out on the table! I think you should make the scape how YOU like it. After all, you will be the one looking at it every day. I say go for it!
  11. R

    New new 40 breed

    A suggestion IMO and strickly IMO would be to break down the rocks a little so you get more places to place corals. From how it seems you don't have much room to work with.
  12. R

    help me pick another fish.

    @Sunny I think you answered your question to me as to why I didn't advise those fish, but you're right. I should have elaborated on my reasoning. @jmags080307 I have the same situation with my tank. I break every reef rule in the book with my tank and I still can't keep my nitrates high. I...
  13. R

    help me pick another fish.

    No lid? I would not consider any anthias, wrasse, or sand sifting blenny (you are running bare bottom) My question to you... How long has your tank been running and why do you want to add another fish? Especially if everyone gets along seamlessly
  14. R

    New new 40 breed

    Not bad. Are you looking for suggestions or just showing off?
  15. R

    Rock scapeing

    What size tank is that? I see you have a lot of rock in it.. I have some suggestions (TO DO SLOWLY)
  16. R

    Rock scapeing

    Okay! I just see the cyano starting to form.. I just had the worst battle ever with cyano and I am just looking out for ya, if it starts getting bad, reduce the amount of time you have them on for.
  17. R

    Rock scapeing

    That's one way to do it! How long are your lights running for btw?
  18. R

    Rock scapeing

    Post pictures of your scape! There may be minor adjustments we could suggest to make big differences.
  19. R

    BOD Appreciation

    I just wanted to voice my satisfaction with the actions that the new BOD have already made with this new cycle. At the time I was an unpaid member, I was DM'd by a few members of the board updating myself on what they hope to do, changes that'll be made and the benefits as to why I should become...