Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I would get those pill containers (M-F) and fill them with food for the day so all they have to do is open the designated day and pour it into the tank. (Dry foods only) That's how I did it. If you feed multiple times per day, get multiple medicine things and just add a time stamp to each one...
Thanks to the outgoing and welcome in coming! I'm looking forward to seeing what the new BOD has in store.. Let's see if we can double the active users we have on here!
Lol. Everyone makes mistakes, but only few are brave enough to actually post about them. :afro: Good on ya and don't let it happen again!:beatdeadhorse5: lol ( <-- Love that emoji)
I wasn't intending on taking any personal shots, but it's as simple as telling people about the club and letting them know we have a site. Everything is done online now. I do agree that at big gatherings like this we should have BOD or someone step up and take the initiative to recruit new...
1. Access to one free apparel of your choice
2. In-store discounts
3. Meetings at LFS as opposed to people's homes
5. Admission fees for members that aren't paid (events, etc)
6. Admission discounts to local aquariums
That's all I've got right now. I know some things have been...