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Search results

  1. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    Yes I love that thing. I'm really looking forward to the new growth of it to see the colors.
  2. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Great to hear the drive was worth it! I better see the clam and corals you picked up on your tale of the tank thread tomorrow! (Or some time soon).
  3. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    He does! Unfortuntely he is no longer in my tank since he attempted to go rouge on my clam, so he went back to OIA. Tomorrow I'll try to post pictures of all my new corals I got at the meeting!
  4. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    You better believe I did! The lights are super blue right now.. but it's sitting on the sand bed atm. I haven't put anything in their spots yet.
  5. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    @kschweer i cant. I dont have the privileges. If someone could post them there for me that'd be awesome.
  6. R

    Etmanning's 90g Build

    I'm surprised Alex didn't spot them! He usually will take off everything he can see before he finalizes the sale
  7. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Bummed you couldn't make it as well. I didn't get a head count of everyone that made it, but it was definitely over 20
  8. R

    Etmanning's 90g Build

    Everything looks like it traveled great. Lol at the aptasia. Get to killing!
  9. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Not a problem @trio91 ! and That's awesome to hear Troy. Best LFS in the Northern NJ!
  10. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Thank you to everyone that attended the meeting today! What a great turn out. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's new additions they acquired today in their tank threads
  11. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Snow is gone and roads are clear.. the meeting is ON! Drive safely everyone and looking forward to seeing y'all today.
  12. R

    Eric's White Reefer 450

    Awesome. Seems like that middle rock is gonna be a zoa garden? Gonna be awfully pretty.
  13. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    The meeting is still on as of now! Snow stopped at 12:30 here and I believe it is done.. Roads should be plenty fine to drive tomorrow. Will update again at 9am!
  14. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    The chances of it getting called off are extremely low. I think the roads will be fine.
  15. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Since you have a 2 hour drive I will write in this chat by 9AM on Sunday. I hope that works for you?
  16. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Yeah they can't seem to get it right.. so clearly they have no idea what's gonna happen. The meeting runs till 5. Dont have to be there right away.
  17. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Just spoke with Alex, as of right now the meeting will remain a go as long as there are no dramatic changes to the forecast. Since Sunday should be relatively warm and the meeting doesn't start till 12, the snow shouldn't be much of an issue.