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Search results

  1. Mark...

    Yellow tang and Fox face

    Any issues with this match up. Thought the common yellow might be a problem. Thanks! Tank is 180 with mimic tang, flame angel and other small guys.
  2. Mark...

    My inexpensive RAP buy..

    Got this guy following Robs eagle eye and its fast become a favorite. Just hope it does well. It tends to close up from time to time, but has a great color contrast for my tank as well as a nice texture. And only cost $15...
  3. Mark...

    Looking for a nice Tang

    I want to add another tang to my 180. I have a brown mimic that is doing great. Would love to add a health yellow or naso tang at least 4-5 inches. Rather buy from a hobbyist than a store. Just better and safer. Thanks!
  4. Mark...

    Used 90 gallon tank

    Selling used reef ready 90 gallon tank with black seams for $75 to club members. Has minor scratchs at the gravel line but not bad. Overflow is on left. Has some overflow plumbing in over flow. Thanks for looking. Stand is gone.
  5. Mark...

    WTB 180+ reef ready aquarium

    Not sure I can trust my acrylic 180 due to some crazing on 1/2 acrylic, so I'm looking to replace it. I can go larger as long as it has a 2ft by 6ft footprint. A 225 gallon would make the change worth while :). Need it to have an internal overflow also. Will go glass or acrylic but acrylic...
  6. Mark...

    Hard calcium deposits...?

    I'm getting these hard white dots on my glass and other hard surfaces. Pain to remove. I believe they are calcium but not 100% sure. Calcium is only 360 and dkh is 7.3 with ph of 8.00 Any ideas? Thanks!
  7. Mark...

    1350 tank blowout...

    Anyone who reads the large tank threads on Reef Central will know Pete's tank. Very sad situation. http://www.reefs.com/blog/2015/03/12/1350-gallon-reef-aquarium-disaster/ http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2096730
  8. Mark...

    Put wifes sowing skills to work...

    Home made filter socks, a medium grade felt in the 100-150 micron range.
  9. Mark...

    Calcium conflict

    I asked this question on reef2reef hoping Randy would answer, but no luck so far. So I'll try here. My calcium on my Hanna reads 567 and on my red sea its 360. Alk (Hanna) is 7.67 for the record. I was very careful doing these tests. I'm using 0 tds ro/di for the calcium Hanna test. Could...
  10. Mark...

    DI problem

    I have a BRS system. I just changed the DI media (BRS media) and I'm getting the same TDS in as out. .008 I thought I might have over packed it so I took some out and loosed up the media also made sure sponge filter was clean, but still getting the same TDS. Almost seems as flow is bypassing...
  11. Mark...

    Skimmer evaluation ie organic or protein test.

    There are a million skimmer options out there, at many different price points. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a test to see if your skimmer was doing its job. Wouldn't it be nice to have some science behind you skimmer purchase. They all fill up with crap, but are they getting out all the crap...
  12. Mark...

    Poll on what to do with my Stripless Clowns

    I'm doing a poll and the results of the voting will be my decision on what to do with my Strip less clowns. Poll will close Monday afternoon. I've been on the fence on what to do with these guys after reading how aggressive they can act. They will be going in my display tank which is a 180...
  13. Mark...

    Merry Christmas NJRC

    Merry Christmas Eve! Had the pleasure to meet a few of the members this year and attended my first frag swap and meeting. I'm also lucky to have met some very local guys Rob, Tommy and Mark from Ultimate Corals. Have a safe and joyous holiday and may Santa bring you reef stuff...
  14. Mark...

    2 Cinnamon stripe-less clowns for sale or trade

    I just bought these two guys from ACC this past week and have them in my QT. They are eating everything. I decided after doing some in depth research that in time they will be too aggressive for my "Peace not War" tank. They are really beautiful and act like a mated pair. Love to get $40 for the...
  15. Mark...

    Cinnamon Stripeless Clowns

    I recently purchased a pair of Cinnamon Stripe-less Clowns and cant find much info on these guys. Does anyone know where they come from as in parents? They look like a red saddle, tomato or even a maroon. Any other info good or bad please let me know. They are in QT right now eating well and...
  16. Mark...

    Snail eggs, leave them or scrape them?

    I'm really enjoying the free snails that keep appearing in my tank and sump. I was wondering what is the best way to increase production when snails leave eggs on tank glass. Should I scrape them off and let the flow take them or leave them alone for a while? Thanks!
  17. Mark...

    Adding vinegar to kalk water top off

    Does anyone add vinegar to their kalk water to prevent C02 from degrading the kalk water? I read Randy's article about it and he seems of the opinion that its not all that necessary, but can be useful. I generally mix 5 gals of kalk for my top off every 5-6 days so it does not sit around too...
  18. Mark...

    Discount notification thread

    I thought with all the black Friday discounts coming out, as well as cyber Monday and other deals, I'd start a heads up notification thread to let everyone post deals that are available. Just got an email from BRS, 30% of Hanna checkers...
  19. Mark...

    Gyre is here!

    Fast service from Aquarium Specialists. Some opening shots. Plan to hook up tomorrow which is maintenance day. Top of the line packaging.