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Search results

  1. Mark...

    Innovative Marine Nano 8 Gallon Nuvo Aquarium

    I'm selling this brand new in box Nuvo 8 Aquarium that I won at the NJRC frag swap. I have no need for it. New it cost $200...I'm selling it for $175 Prefer not to ship, I'm in Jackson 08527. Thanks for looking. Below is the write up on it: A CUBE LIKE NO OTHER Be ready to impress your...
  2. Mark...

    Dosing peroxide for algae

    I'm thinking of dosing peroxide (1ml per 10 gallons) for my brown algae problem in the near future. I want to try a lawn mower first. I've read of some good results. I'm not sure if its new tank syndrome. Diatoms came and went. Or a light vs nutrient problem. My nitrates are 0, but the algae...
  3. Mark...

    WTB lawn mower blenny

    Looking to buy lawn mower bleeny. Are they ok with Jaw fish? Thanks~
  4. Mark...

    RTBA didn't like my tank...commited suicide by power jet...

    Well, its been an adventure since the swap...dipped all my new corals and got them in the display. The RTBA looked like he was going to settle in the middle of the tank. This am at 7:30 under minimal blues couldn't find him when my wife notices white stuff in the Jeabo 40. I kicked up the lights...
  5. Mark...

    Faces behind the names...Frag Swap 2014...Roll Call

    Since my crazy work schedule makes it difficult to go to meetings, Saturday will be my first opportunity to meet many of the kind people behind the names. Other than some of the very local guys I haven't met many of the membership. With that said who is going Saturday...roll call!
  6. Mark...

    Apex assistance...

    I just hooked up my Apex Jr. (Temp proble is installed), display in connected but will not light up. Getting a green light on the network cable, but cant see the connection though the software. Did a refresh and still nothing. Typed in http://apex and get some business web site...lol Any...
  7. Mark...

    20 Corals Added to Endangered Species List

    http://news.discovery.com/earth/oceans/20-corals-added-to-endangered-species-list-140829.htm A tenfold increase in the number of protected coral species was announced this week, with 20 new corals added to the list of threatened species. In total, 22 coral species are now classified as...
  8. Mark...

    Sales in the aquarium industry...

    Since I have been back in the game the past year I must say that those selling fish and coral really seem to over do the "sale" statement. I mean I don't think there are regular prices...:). Its always 20%, 30%, $40% 50%, two for one, three for two. Buy this get that. After a while you can't...
  9. Mark...

    Mixing cardinals

    I have two well adjusted PJ Cardinals in my 180g and would like to add a couple and Bangi Cardinals. I'm really trying to have a peaceful tank and don't want a war. Can I mix these guys without a major problem.
  10. Mark...


    I'm taking care of a members tank, (on day 4) basically just feeding and today I found water all over. The ATO was empty and the skimmer overflow was full and overflowed onto the floor. (skimmer seems fine now) Inside stand is wet too. Concerned about the electrical. I didn't feed the fish...
  11. Mark...

    Nomal progression or is this a problem?

    Fish are doing great, most corals doing well. Tank is approaching the 90 day mark. Phosphate is 0, nitrates are 0 and other parms are good. I went through the diatoms and then slowly developed the following hairy substance. Not 100% sure it is an algae or a bacterium. Here is a picture. Its...
  12. Mark...

    The inevitable controller question...

    Ebay just sent me a $30 gift card good till August 20. I've thought about a heater controller for 2 heaters and was thinking of which route to take... So you guys sell me on a controller...I was thinking an Apex Jr.
  13. Mark...

    Getting different alk readings...

    I'm in the process of setting up my kalk in the ATO and was making adjustments to alk and calcium before I start it up. Using two different Red Sea tests, one where you add drops manually with the pipette and the other where you add drops with the syringe. I got a dkh of 7.5 on the first and 11...
  14. Mark...

    Dry used rock for sale

    I have approx 60 pounds (base off bathroom scale) of used rock for sale. I cooked it for a few months but couldn't get the phosphates down to where I liked and didn't want to give it the acid bath. So I went with new. Its great looking stuff otherwise. I want to get rid of it in one sale, so...
  15. Mark...

    BRS is offering free shipping on orders over $49 till 12.01 8/1

    Just giving anyone interested a heads up. If you don't see it on the site, I can forward it to you via email. Just pm me your email... You just have today. I go to work around 5pm, so time is limited...
  16. Mark...

    FYI, Foster and Smith 10% discount.

    Till July 30th...10% discount on most items. Free shipping over 49. Just bought 2 boxes of 200g IO for 80.89. No tax either. Plus you get 5 gift certificate on future purchase, at least on the regular IO. Code is 54298662
  17. Mark...

    Growth or problem

    Coral being my weak link in salt water aquariums, I need to ask a question. Is the edges of this coral a problem or new growth. Its been in the tank just over a month and shot under moon lights with my S4 phone...
  18. Mark...

    Yellow head jaw fish

    I'm looking for a couple of these guys, and was wondering if you have any or will have them in stock. Thanks...
  19. Mark...

    Alk running low

    Alk is running on the low side around 6.5-7 (two tests), ph is 7.8 Everything else is good. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 0 phosphates, sal 1.024, temp 78.9 Cal 480, mg 1360 Did 25 gallon wc yesterday. The few corals I have are pale. I'm baking some baking soda right now. My total water volume is...
  20. Mark...

    WTB PJ Cardinals and Firefish

    WTB PJ Cardinals and Firefish Starting with the peaceful fish first. Thanks for looking