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Search results

  1. Mark...

    Current stocking list of fish

    Hi, looking for some fish to start in my QT tank. Going with the most peaceful type fish first. Looking for PJ cardinals, Yellow head Jaws, and firefish. Most likely two of each. I was wondering what was your current stocking list before I drive up. Thanks
  2. Mark...

    WTB cheap 15-20 gallon tank for ATO

    Relatively local to 08527 would be great. Cover also needed. Thanks...
  3. Mark...

    WTB jaw fish

    Looking for one or two Jaw fish relatively local to 08527. Yellow heads would be perfect. Thanks...
  4. Mark...

    White egg crate and phosphate...

    I'm reading that white egg crate can increase phosphate. A friend on RC did an experiment and it seems to validate the problem. Any thoughts on this? My skimmer stand is made of white egg crate and my phosphate is higher than I'd like. Rising on each test to .24...I know it could be the rock...
  5. Mark...

    Aquariums and pianos...

    Looking for information on the above title. Anyone have a tank and a piano in the same general area. I ask because on a piano forum, a technician blames rust on a pianos strings on a salt water tank. Since my stand is coming out so well, my wife is giving me the ok to put the piano in the...
  6. Mark...

    WTB BRS Dual Reactor

    Like the tiles says, checking to see if there is a used BRS Dual Reactor out there before I pull trigger on new one...thanks!
  7. Mark...

    Plumbing...you knew it was coming...

    I'm working on the plumbing design and parts list for my DT down to my basement sump. I have some questions, I plan on going Herbie with full siphon and dry emergency. The central overflow came with two 1 inch bulkheads and two 1/2 return bulkheads. In-regard to the drains is there any...
  8. Mark...

    Flow to a GFO/Carbon reactor?

    I was thinking of how I was going to setup my GFO reactor in regard to flow. I most likely will get the BRS setup. In regard to flow, can it be feed from the return pump? Or even the gravity drain. My return pump should have more than enough flow to handle it. I asked the guys at BRS and they...
  9. Mark...

    Gererator recommendations

    I'm looking to setup my power backup before setting up the DT. I decided on this transfer switch: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HS2L3O/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER I will now need to get a gas generator in the 7500 watt range. The reviews are all over the...
  10. Mark...

    Stopped in today...

    Very nice friendly store. Frag tanks look great, some nice fish too. Picked up some frags and a shrimp.
  11. Mark...

    Tuxedo Urchin - Mespilia globulus

    Just got this post on my facebook page. Looks like a great urchin to have in the tank... If you're searching for a prolific marine algae grazer that feeds on almost every type of algae, is reef-safe, stays small, doesn't bulldoze, and is fairly hardy and long-lived, I present the tuxedo...
  12. Mark...

    Want to buy large frag tank

    Looking for large frag tank. If it has other options like stand , plumbing etc, that's good too. Another option is a large sump in lieu of the frag tank.
  13. Mark...

    How to measure baffels for a un square sump?

    I bought a beat up 6ft acrylic tank to be used as my sump. It has an inner wall that I noticed is bowed and un even. I bought 5 acrylic sheets (1/4 inch) and will need to cut them to fit. Can anyone suggest a way to measure and transfer the measurements from the sump to the acrylic panels. I...
  14. Mark...

    King Brothers Plumbing fittings

    Any opinions on King Brothers plumbing supplies? Amazon has them, and the prices seem pretty good. I plan on using schedule 80, especially above the basement. The box stores seem to lack decent supplies. And a guy on RC had a Lowes ball valve fail on a closed loop and he lost 300 gallons in 3...
  15. Mark...

    Aquarium stand for sale

    I got a aquarium stand with my Frag/QT tank that I wont be using. Its 36" by 12". Particle board with a plastic black finish. Not show material but functional. $25.00 takes it. Thanks!
  16. Mark...

    Lets talk rock and aquascaping

    Reading up on rock/aquascaping issues and getting very conflicting opinions. I really want to do it right the first time and will be patient. My biggest concern is phosphate, (I don't want to fight algae if I can prevent it.). As mentioned earlier in my build thread, I'm soaking some BRS...
  17. Mark...

    Attwood Tsunami T800 Bilge Pump - 12V - 760 GPH

    For sale (2) two like new Attwood Tsunami T800 Bilge Pump - 12V - 760 GPH. Came with boat live well and I never used them. $30.00 each or two for 50.00. Probably good as a backup for power failure if you have a car battery (12v) charged.
  18. Mark...

    Lets talk water testing equipment...

    I bought a nice salinity refractometer, but now that I'm getting close to cooking rock and making water I want to to get some recommendations on whats good as well as whats needed especially at start up. It seems the Hanna phosphate checker is the gold standard for phosphate. I guess I will...
  19. Mark...

    What if any, are your reef resolutions for 2014?

    I really hope my tank is up and running before next December...:) And more importantly, get to meet more of the members. I have met Rob and Erwin and its been a great pleasure talking shop, drink wine, and hanging with them... Dance So what is your reef resolutions for 2014? Have a happy...
  20. Mark...

    Mark's Craig List deal of the day...

    Found this ad on CL. No clue as to condition etc, but price seems really good. I thought I'd share if anyone interested. Toms River area. http://jerseyshore.craigslist.org/for/4251716614.html