Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
If you don't like your anemones moving around, there's the "Anemone Nest".
I bought this Anemone Nest on eBay. I think I paid thirty-something dollars for it, including shipping from Hong Kong:
It is the best Anemone Nest I've ever owned ! Here's a link to some of the availability for...
I thought I'd share with you all my efforts to get Cone Shells for my Halloween Hermit Crabs. The following was extracted from an eMail I just sent to a fellow member.
The following is the sad story of my quest for Cone Shells for my Halloween Hermits. As follows, my quest got a little...
I just came across this on R2R:
Sorry -- I'm new here and don't really have much spare time to join the community.
I bought a house with a 415 gal acrylic tank that I'm about to cut up and get rid of. It has to be gone within the next few days.
It's such a nice tank and I hate to do it, but I...
Has anyone ever kept Saltwater Guppies? If so, are they hardy and do they reproduce in saltwater? I didn't know this is doable...
Here's a link:
Saltwater Red Koi Guppy [Corals Anonymous] | eBay
Salgado Update
Juan and Cynthia have moved to Texas and have taken their marine fish business with them. Their website has not changed, and they are shipping from Texas.
I miss my trips to Thornwood. I paid $85 for my Harlequin Tusk. I paid $85 for my PNG Gold Nugget Wrasse. I paid $65 for...
It seems to me that there's a disconnect in our forums between our meetings and our members who actually plan to attend.
If you plan to attend the above meeting, in Lakewood at the MadReefer's , please post your intention here...
Looking for one or two Aqua Medic Plankton reactors, preferably those without the fluorescent light.
Here's a link to what it looks like:
Plankton Reactor - Aqua Medic (DISCONTINUED)
My algae filtration has been a little too much for my system. I've been getting 0 ppm measurements (Phosphorus Hanna Checker) for my phosphates and the same 0 ppm measurements (Hi Range Hanna Checker) for my nitrates. I'm currently using Sea Chem's Flourish to boost my phosphates and...
Assuming you have access to a very large and very cold tank, how would you keep a fish alive for 500 years?
I don't see where this is mentioned on the site yet, so here's the warning...
I ordered my Hanna Magnesium Checker before they came out. As it turns out there have been issues with this Magnesium Checker. The common complaint has been that the test results are too high. (I have had the same...
Does anyone know the name of the vet in NJ who specializes in fish? I vaguely remember one talking to us at a meeting, either an NJRC meet or a WTTS meet....