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Search results

  1. radiata

    Jellyfish Build Walls of Water to Swim Around in the Ocean

    Jellyfish Build Walls of Water to Swim Around the Ocean
  2. radiata

    Whale Watching on the Hudson

  3. radiata

    How Do Octopuses Experience the World?

    An interesting read... How Do Octopuses Experience the World?
  4. radiata

    Woo Hoo - I can get it On-Line!

    I've been looking for this stuff for a long time now: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Live-Frag-Bryopsis-Marine-Macro-Algae-Plant-Refugium-Saltwater/303331050667?hash=item469ff084ab:g:-wwAAOSws6tebmM0
  5. radiata

    The AQUASPIN Test Has Arrived

    API AQUASPIN Testing has arrived at Something Fishy (Northampton, PA). Something Fishy :: AQUASPIN Test The saltwater test includes the following water parameters: • Ammonia • Nitrite • Nitrate • Phosphate • pH • Alkalinity (KH) • Calcium • Magnesium The cost is $10. I test weekly for 6 of...
  6. radiata

    Here's another tool for you all...

    Came across this today. It immediately occurred to me that a fragger, or someone checking for small nasties, or someone doing maintenance on small parts, (or who knows what else), could use this in their reef toolbox. It might even offer some measure of eye protection for people who mess with...
  7. radiata

    Craig's List Curbside 100G Corner Tank in Mount Ephraim NJ

    Posted "about an hour ago"... 100 gal aquarium - free stuff
  8. radiata

    Reef Cleaners ???

    Has anyone here ever ordered inverts from Reef Cleaners (Tank Cleaners - Reef Cleaners)? I literally stumbled across their site an hour ago, and I've spent the last hour poking around there (and another hour writing this review). They've really impressed me with: ~ a large selection ~ decent...
  9. radiata

    MIA Urchins?

    While surfing the web just now I came across an urchin that caused me to wonder to myself when was time I'd actually seen one of them. That 'wondering' then connected me to a long lost synapse and it hit me that I haven't seen a different urchin for maybe 20 something years. Has anyone seen a...
  10. radiata

    Time to Crank Up Your Chiller

    A Vast Garden of Soft Corals Has Been Discovered Off The Coast of Greenland
  11. radiata

    Happy Father’s Day to All the Fish Dads Underwater

    Happy Father’s Day to All the Fish Dads Underwater
  12. radiata

    Why Land-Based Fauna are Sharper Brain Wise than Sea-Based Fauna

    Hunting in savanna-like landscapes may have poured jet fuel on brain evolution
  13. radiata

    Interesting Craigslist Post

    Salt mix for saltwater fish (Palmyra NJ) https://southjersey.craigslist.org/for/d/palmyra-salt-mix-for-saltwater-fish/7143601362.html 200G Box of IO ~ $0.00 Posted at about 3:45PM today.
  14. radiata

    If you're still feeding mysis to your Great White, it is time to update their diet...

    If you're still feeding mysis to your Great White, it is time to update their diet... Great white shark diet surprises scientists
  15. radiata

    Super Glue Gel

    Anyone have a source for cheap Super Glue Gel? My local Dollar Store is closed. I've been using their 3 or 4 for a dollar packs, and I need a cheap source for gluing small rock pieces to cover visual defects in my display tank. I prefer using the small tubes as I frequently need to use them...
  16. radiata

    Nori Alert!

    I just returned from my local Asian Supermarket where I went to get some Nori. It looks like Nori is suffering from some supply chain issues. I estimate they had less than 15% of their usual stock on their shelves. Stock up now - your tangs will thank you for it...
  17. radiata

    Cyborg Jellyfish

  18. radiata

    Danner Supreme Aqua-Mag 1200 Pump ~ NEW and CHEAP!

    This pump sells for $151 at places like the Marine Depot. Amazon alerted me today they they have them for just $84! https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B001BO50ZY?ref=em_1p_0_im&ref_=pe_2313400_473527740&th=1
  19. radiata

    How fish fins evolved just before the transition to land...

    How fish fins evolved just before the transition to land
  20. radiata

    Free Rock, Fish and Corals in Cream Ridge

    This was posted this afternoon on RC: Reef Central Online Community Owner is taking down a 210 this week. Caveat: don't ask him what he's got, just show up with buckets!