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Search results

  1. radiata

    Here's an interesting part time Service Job for a dedicated reefer...

    I came across this offer just now on FB: "I am offering my services to come to you your home or business and give you instant very accurate par readings for your reef tank aquarium. Prices range anywhere from $25-50 depending on location, how many tanks I test, and how many readings I give you...
  2. radiata

    Orange Coralline?

    Did anyone spring for the "Fluorescent Orange Coralline Algae" that was being hawked by RUSALTY? I wonder how long it will be 'til they have more.
  3. radiata

    Something New for your Predator Tank

    Here's something new for your Predator Tank: Pericelis tectivorum, the GIANT Predatory Flatworm | Reef Builders | The Reef and Saltwater Aquarium Blog I thought they'd be few and far between, but a friend of mine just found one in his tank. And, it has been eating his snails.
  4. radiata

    Gold Nugget Wrasse?

    Anyone have any experience with the Gold Nugget Wrasse (Xenojulis margaritaceus)? There doesn't seem to be much info about them on the web, but there seem to be a lot of them coming in from PNG right now. There's a nice photo of one here: What is this wrasse (I have a suspicion of a gold nugget...
  5. radiata

    Octo Pulse 4 Powerhead?

    Are any of my NJRC fellow member running Reef Octopus Octo Pulse 4 powerheads?
  6. radiata

    Free BRS Coupons

    I have two $10 off your next order coupons for BRS that I won't be using and will give away to any NJRC members. They expire on 12/31. PM me for the codes.
  7. radiata


    I stumbled on this today and had a real good laugh. I just can't help but pass it on. It's from The New Yorker cartoon archives.
  8. radiata

    WTB Octo Pulse Pumps

    Looking for functional Octo Pulse powerhead pumps. Want 2 models or 4 models. Looking for either the original model with a controller, or for the newer model without the controller. Located in Northern NJ, so you may need to ship it to me.
  9. radiata

    BRS $10 Coupon Codes

    Anyone ordering anything from Bulk Reef Supply in the next few days? Below are two BRS $10 Customer Appreciation coupon codes that I won't be using and want give away to two lucky fellow reefers. Both expire next week on 11/18. Note that these are not good toward anything from MSRP...
  10. radiata


    Anyone know of any sources in NJ for live Apex-Pods™ (Apocyclops panamensis) copepods? Only place I know of that carries them is Something Fishy in Northampton, PA. But FedEx didn't deliver the shipment they were expecting today.
  11. radiata

    60 Cube on Craig's List

    Noticed this 60 RR cube on Craig's List for $150. Looks like it comes with a stand, a canopy and a sump. It's located in Hazlet. https://cnj.craigslist.org/for/d/hazlet-60-gallon-cube-aquarium-reef/7394312946.html
  12. radiata

    WTB - MOINA SALINA Culture

    This is for you guys living on the Jersey Shore... I'm looking for a culture of Moina salina, a.k.a. "marine water fleas". They are akin to fresh water daphnia. They were once sold live by AlaGen, but they stopped culturing them a few years back. The only US source I can find for them in in...
  13. radiata

    And I Used to Think that Glass Frogs were Neat...

  14. radiata

    When an Eel Climbs a Ramp...

    When an Eel Climbs a Ramp to Eat Squid From a Clamp, That’s a Moray When an Eel Climbs a Ramp to Eat Squid From a Clamp, That’s a Moray
  15. radiata

    Another Myth Busted.... Looks like Sponges aren't Sessile After All

    Surprise in the Deep Sea: Mysterious Ocean-Floor Trails Show Arctic Sponges on the Move https://scitechdaily.com/surprise-in-the-deep-sea-mysterious-ocean-floor-trails-show-arctic-sponges-on-the-move/
  16. radiata

    Does your Octopus Dream?

    Octopus research yields insight into the evolution of sleep
  17. radiata

    FREE 135 gallon fish tank and stand (Dumont NJ)

    Here's a free offer from 3/21 on reef Central: Reef Central Online Community > Selling, Trading and Transaction Feedback Forums > Used Equipment & Drygoods Selling
  18. radiata

    The Self-Decapitating Sea Slug

    These Slugs Cut Off Their Own Heads When They Want a New Body I think our "Lettuce Nudibranchs" are in the same family.
  19. radiata

    Cuttlefish and Self-Control

    Cuttlefish show self-control, pass 'marshmallow test'
  20. radiata

    North Coast Octopoda

    A neat North Coast Cabernet Franc: