Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I want to add blenny to my tank but do'nt know what yet.
here is my situation. I have 6 firefish (3 firefish 3 purple firefish), a pair of yellow watchman goby (2" in size). I used to have a lawnmower blenny and he beat up my yellow watchman goby and everything else in the tank include blond...
Hi everyone,
can someone please point me to a document/article talk about the relationship between salanity, PH, ORP, Magnesium, Alk, Potasium in saltwater? which parameter effect by what and Who effect by whom?.
please moved the message to an appropriate forum.
anyone planning in "cook"/"mix" food for fish and coral? Please let me know, I would like to join the group for this event.
thank you
hi everyone,
I want to buy a skimmer for my 180 gallon tank. I currently have one right now but its footprint is quite large for my sump. I have hard time to take it out for cleanning. any suggestion on what brand to buy with good price ? my budget is max out at $300.
i saw eshopps skimmer that...
Hi everyone,
I read all the posted about Cyano but nobody mention about cyano in the sump-refugium. I currently have it in my sump-refugium area. I want to get rid of it. I scrub it off and it flow to return area and shoot up in the DT. would anyone suggest me on how to clean it off my sump? the...
is this a flatworm?
is fish carry this type of pest around? I have no idea how it get into my tank. I have fish right now with few old zoas (my zoas from old tank)
few photos of my current fish tank. excute me for micro floater. those are micro bubble :)
these photos just taken a few hours ago
anyone know the name of this coral?
ISO 3200 is very noisy
I need help ID this green algea on my rock. The tank has been up for november, 2009. I added rock in december, 2010. I used to have a brown algea when I added day it was gone. 2 weeks ago, this green algea start to show up.
has anyone doing this ?
give some input please
Hi everyone,
i need to borrow a maxi jet pump 1200 to pump the water on my water container out. I need a small size pump. I live in Somerville, NJ.
Thanks in advance
everyone, I just bought one of those water leak detector for $10 from TB Aquatic. I just check it out and it work very good. very sensitive in water level detection. I try it with both DI water and regular water.
This defenitely will save my 4$$ in future. I have water all over my garage so many...
I am looking for any suggestion on submersible pump. My MAG 12 pump is a little weak for my 180 gallon tank. Anyone know any submersible pump that equivalent or better than MAG 18? quietness is the key. I saw some pump called Supreme Hy-Drive Aquarium Pumps at but i am worry...
I just setup my tank and my water is a greenish when i did water change. However, when I view it in my tank, it is clear ( not cloudy). I get 100 gallons from Feng on his main display tank and his water is crystal clear in a 5 gallon bucket side by side in comparasion. any suggest...