• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

"If you want to upgrade your tank I want you to upgrade my front porch!"

I just picked up the new LRS today from Paradise pets in Westampton. Can't beat it for $18! I picked up a small female eightline the other day from LiveAquaria and it has been a pain to get to eat. I picked up some live blackworms and brine and it would only eat the brine. I think the blackworms were too long for it. When I fed it the LRS it went crazy for it and ate a ton of it! I'm sold.
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I'll have to try that out when I get my tank stocked... How is paradise pets? Still have ICH infested tanks and dead frags? :/
Love LRS food, you will be very happy.
I love Larry's also. I usually use the the Reef Frenzy or the Herb blend. I have been following his r2r threads on this new blend. I can say I'm really happy with it. It seems more chunkier also and that makes my Betta a happy fish. I am sure it would not of mattered what kind I put in the tank the wrasse would of eaten it. Just the new stuff is supposed to be geared toward finicky eaters.

I'll have to try that out when I get my tank stocked... How is paradise pets? Still have ICH infested tanks and dead frags? :/
I honestly stopped looking at the livestock and just grab the food and go.
Corals look great, did you fire up the laser?

Thanks Mike! I have not gotten it yet in the mail. I had to get it from China and I places the order on the 2nd. It says it could take up to 30 days and when I went to check the status of it the other day this popped up

So I hope it got out before the holiday. They wouldn't ship the batteries with it because some issue with customs. So I had to order them from ebay. They came in the mail this week. I ordered a bunch of them because what I have been reading is that they don't last long. I also ordered a second set of safety glasses so somebody else could be in the room.

Once I get good at it i may have to hire myself out as an aptasia hit man!
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These are some pictures I took with my cell when the lights were about to go off.




Just messing around
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Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Nice score with the black tang. Gorgeous fish

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My only worry is my purple tang. I have the black in an acclimation box for now. I don't see any aggression yet. I'll leave him in there for a few days and see what happens.