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Sunny's FOWLR build thread ....


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Kevin, thanks for commenting. As far as support under the column, that is a good point. I don’t know what code is today, but back in the day a lally column would require a 2’ x 2’ x 2’ concrete footing. I would guess that the basement floor is a four inch slab. I’m speculating that the couple hundred pounds would be distributed along a 2 foot 2 x 6 and not be a problem. Also, your comment about Styrofoam; I think you’re thinking about sill plates where a thin foam is installed for the purpose of sealing out air. It does nothing for this application of pressure treated wood to concrete.

And Zippy and Chris, thanks for your comments, but I really believe that two columns per triple beam would be overkill. It’s a 180 gallon tank and I know there are some that would say that no support would be necessary. Just using rough calculations we’re talking about maybe 1600 – 1800 pounds over a six foot length and having two supports, half that weight transferred…so roughly 800 – 900 pounds. But this number isn’t real because that weigh actually is distributed to the entire floor system…actually many beams away from the tank. So cut that weight again by half, and you’re looking at 400 to 450 pounds per column. That’s nothing!


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Thanks for all the comments. Kevin you can come see the tank anytime.

Paul I will arrange for the run and coke while you have this covered :p


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Yes, it will be like a party. I just need to see what day we are doing this.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Kevin, thanks for commenting. As far as support under the column, that is a good point. I don’t know what code is today, but back in the day a lally column would require a 2’ x 2’ x 2’ concrete footing. I would guess that the basement floor is a four inch slab. I’m speculating that the couple hundred pounds would be distributed along a 2 foot 2 x 6 and not be a problem. Also, your comment about Styrofoam; I think you’re thinking about sill plates where a thin foam is installed for the purpose of sealing out air. It does nothing for this application of pressure treated wood to concrete.

And Zippy and Chris, thanks for your comments, but I really believe that two columns per triple beam would be overkill. It’s a 180 gallon tank and I know there are some that would say that no support would be necessary. Just using rough calculations we’re talking about maybe 1600 – 1800 pounds over a six foot length and having two supports, half that weight transferred…so roughly 800 – 900 pounds. But this number isn’t real because that weigh actually is distributed to the entire floor system…actually many beams away from the tank. So cut that weight again by half, and you’re looking at 400 to 450 pounds per column. That’s nothing!

That's it sill plating. Maybe they made the contractor on a job I was at use it because it was a metal I beam on the concrete. Like I said let me know if I can help, even if its just an extra set if hands.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Kevin, that would be great if you could join use. Assuming all is good with Sunny, would you be available late Friday (say about 4 – 4:30), or any time on Sunday. And Sunny, how do those days look for you?


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Kevin, that would be great if you could join use. Assuming all is good with Sunny, would you be available late Friday (say about 4 – 4:30), or any time on Sunday. And Sunny, how do those days look for you?

Both times suggested by Paul work for me. LMK if anyone else other than Kevin wants to join us.



Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Friday is no good for me. Let me see what I can swing for Sunday and I will let you know.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Thanks Mike, but you are too far. I don't want to bother you for this :). Thanks for the offer again.



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Article Contributor

The stand arrived today. Thanks to Mike he loaded it in his truck and brought it over from AO. We placed the stand in the same room with the existing DT and it did not look good at all. The tank will not go in that room so will not be plumbed in the same system.

The tank will go in the family room where my 150G used to be. So no reason for supporting walls and columns.

Now I need a couple of folks to help move the tank inside from the garage onto the stand :)




NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Sunday works for me. We need more hands though. I know Bob was available tonight also.
Sunday is a crazy day for me. Anyway we could move the tank in the house early in the am say 8? This way I could get back home, I have to watch my kids in the am then have a viewing in the afternoon. Unless Monday after work is better?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
So it begins :).

First off I don't think I can thank Paul (redfishbluefish) enough. He has really helped me a lot with almost everything so far.

Look at the awesome sump he build for me :)




The stand is in place with the sump inside and yes it did require engineering.



NJRC Member
Article Contributor
You have a great wife to allow you to move into EVERY room! Lol

Nice job,

To be honest, she is not very thrilled with this one. I need this setup fast so it can grow on her. I am sure the beauty of the angels will do the trick. ;)