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Tank birthday and I'm a Geezer

Paul B

NJRC Member
I have no idea. Some type of decorator crab. I have many things in my tank that I have no idea what they are. Of course, I also don't care. :cool:

Paul B

NJRC Member
Yesterday the "Honor Flight" organization invited me along with 50 other Veterans who came on the flight to Washington DC with me to a reunion where they honored us again with a big presentation and band. They read my Army Bio. as they did with everyone else. I didn't realize it but it was televised. We went to a diner this morning and someone pointed out that I was on TV which was playing while we were there.

(Only about 35 Vets showed up.) It was in an air museum where they have about 30 working WW2 air craft including Japanese Zero's and German planes. They even flew a Bi-plane.

Honor flight award.jpg
Honor flight crowd.jpg

Paul B

NJRC Member
I have a lot more hair algae in my tank now than I would like. It's from the Long Island Sound water that I collect and I can't collect it any more because of the nutrients from all the golf courses and farms around here. If I want to collect NSW now I have to travel almost an hour east to get cleaner water and I don't know how many times I want to do that.

Collecting in the winter shouldn't be a problem.

Where I collect now, the boulders on the shoreline are covered in algae.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Paul, I'm curious if you've ever checked the N's and P's of your Long Island Sound Water? Part of the reason I ask is that I use to consult for environment stuff, and a number of my clients were golf courses. What was found is that turf grass is extremely efficient in removing N's and P's and that there was no "run off" from the golf courses. As far as you noticing algae covered rocks in the summer....it's the warm water and air that allows it to grow at that time. Again, I'd be curious of the nutrient numbers you'd find in that Long Island water.

Paul B

NJRC Member
I did test the nitrate in the Sound and it is 10. I didn't test for phosphates. The rocks at the shore are all covered in algae.
We are also surrounded by farms.
Algae covered rock.jpg

Paul B

NJRC Member
I have an idea for a TV show. Instead of the NEWS stations telling you the forecast for the weather today and tomorrow, I think I would like to make a station that tells you yesterday and last weeks weather. This way, no one can complain because it will always be correct. :cool:


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
I have an idea for a TV show. Instead of the NEWS stations telling you the forecast for the weather today and tomorrow, I think I would like to make a station that tells you yesterday and last weeks weather. This way, no one can complain because it will always be correct. :cool:
I thought you were going to say each different body part represents different types of weather. Knee hurts going to rain, back hurts snow.....

Paul B

NJRC Member
At my age and after 34 surgeries including a new aluminum knee and shoulder, I wouldn't be able to tell which body is the only one hurting. :oops:

Paul B

NJRC Member
This morning at almost sunrise I went down to the beach armed with a bucket to collect amphipods. I knew it would be a very low tide.
But nothing. Not one amphipod where there should have been millions. This is scary because after the amphipods are gone, whose next?

I did see many invasive Japanese shore crabs and tiny eels but thats it.

I did swirl algae and barnacle covered rocks in my bucket of seawater just for the bacteria and hopefully baby amphipods.
I will take this water/mud and strain it in a rotifer filter to at least get some bacteria. Later, if I get time, I will put it under a microscope tosee if I got anything.


Paul B

NJRC Member
OOOOhhhhh NNooo. I have way to many fish. Soon they will have to take turns putting their heads in the water. :(

I can't help it, if I see an interesting fish that I hardly, if ever see, I need it.

OMG. I have hair algae but no hair on my head. All my fish look great and want to spawn, but I can't use any more fish.

My corals don't look as good, I think they are jealous of all the fish and don't want to stand up in their full glory. I need a bigger tank so I need a bigger house but I'm to old to get one.

I am going on my beach walk now so I hope I don't find a baby swordfish or horseshoe crab because I know I will put them in my tank. :rolleyes: