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WaveMaker made easy...


NJRC Member
Local - $109 for ONE set!
Online - $103 for FOUR set (with extra laying around)...

Phyl said:
If you paid 103 online then 109 locally where you didn't have to wait (especially if you were able to get the extra couple of parts) sounds like a decent deal to me. No?


NJRC Member

(1) for people that are interested, started a new thread for the parts small group buy on the side?

(2) if anyone going to this saturday's monthly meeting, and can bring a TUNZE 6100, or TUNZE 6200 along, i can bring the WaveBox and the circuit to show it to you all how it work. (my TUNZE 6100 pump are acting strange after some repeatly power-surf last Sunday, so it would not be a good true test.)



NJRC Member
i mean Sunday - tomorrow...

malulu said:

(1) for people that are interested, started a new thread for the parts small group buy on the side?

(2) if anyone going to this saturday's monthly meeting, and can bring a TUNZE 6100, or TUNZE 6200 along, i can bring the WaveBox and the circuit to show it to you all how it work. (my TUNZE 6100 pump are acting strange after some repeatly power-surf last Sunday, so it would not be a good true test.)

ok, after seeing your wavebox today I researched using a Hydor Koralia 4 12v. Turns out the Koralia is a pwm motor, so you need a driver. They have an auto shutoff built in at 100% duty cycle so they must be driven down to about 90%-95%. The pumps are cheap but the controller is expensive. But you can easily make a pwm driver with a 555 timer and a FET.

example: http://www.uoguelph.ca/~antoon/circ/pwm555.html

The output of your timer circuit can feed pin 4 of the 555 pwm driver.

You could even use a 558, its a quad 555 and reduce the parts. Add a Koralia 4 12v (~$65) and you have a wave maker complete with pump for under $100.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We can plan for the January meeting if there are enough people interested in it!
I think malulu, Oliver and I have a plan to further revise and simplify this. Looks like we may be able to get this to work with the much cheaper Hydor 12v pumps. If this is the case, this will be a very cheap wave solution.

Stay Tuned..........

-Tom (not steve :p )
Holy crap, I'm flashing back to my days (nights actually) at DeVry Tech in the 80's! :eek:

I probably have a couple of 555's in my old lab kit under a pile of crap in the basement.

I would be interested in giving this a try if we have a group buy/build. ;)
stcreef said:
I think malulu, Oliver and I have a plan to further revise and simplify this. Looks like we may be able to get this to work with the much cheaper Hydor 12v pumps. If this is the case, this will be a very cheap wave solution.

Stay Tuned..........

-Tom (not steve :p )

Will this work with three Tunze's in a tank, or at least two Tunzes's


NJRC Member
in theory it would, if you have a lots of crazy current in the tank already, it may have a smaller wave.

as you can see from yesterday demo, the water moved everywhere inside the tank, no more dead spot...

ricwilli said:
Will this work with three Tunze's in a tank, or at least two Tunzes's


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
What about putting 2 of the tunzes in one of the wave boxes on one side and one on the other? Could they be all controlled from the same place to allow greater wave?


NJRC Member
Phyl said:
What about putting 2 of the tunzes in one of the wave boxes on one side and one on the other? Could they be all controlled from the same place to allow greater wave?

we are trying to experiment just that...

- to have TWO wavebox on ONE side to be on/off @ the same time... (need the EXTRA wavebox done first)
- or, have one on each side, to be ON/OFF @ opposite timming... (need some time to build the circuit)
- with one Tunze 6200...

- also Tom is testing the Koralia 4...

stay TUNE. hopefully not too long... (due to holiday seasons - Thanks Giving, shopping, Xmas...etc.) may need to be a while...
Just to add.....so the rest of the world has this information, the Hydor Koralia 12v controllable pumps are NOT dc but they are ac. Hydor controls them with a variable frequency drive. The pumps are not made to be stopped then started. They are made to be slowed down then sped up. They feed the pumps with a 12vac (I measured 15vac) square wave varying the frequency from 40hz for low speed up to 60hz for the high speed. The low speed may be ample enough for the wavebox to back fill. But we will test this.

This is first hand information. This also pertains to the US version. Apparently there may be other versions for Europe.



NJRC Member
so, in another words...

MAY BE we can do it with the TUNZE 6000 - then? "with a variable frequency drive."

on the web, "people" keep saying it is a the 6000 is a AC pump, if stop, it will wore it out... in this case, we can slow it down... and I already have the pump and wavebox - which can try...

just need the ciruit.
Sure you could, but the Hydors are ALOT cheaper!!!!! On the order of 4X cheaper. If you have the pump and driver for it, just use a scope and find out what they are driving it with.