• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

Hi everyone,

I have worked both in the financial services and information technology space. I currently work as a Senior Manager for one of the top global outsourcing companies. My customer base normally includes big pharma. I normally manage large technology implementation projects. I have also worked as a DBA and programmer.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Bill. Welcome to NJRC! I see you're planning a to tie into your basement. That's great. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
bconn said:
Hi everyone,

I have worked both in the financial services and information technology space. I currently work as a Senior Manager for one of the top global outsourcing companies. My customer base normally includes big pharma. I normally manage large technology implementation projects. I have also worked as a DBA and programmer.


Wow, close relation. I am also a manager for a IT outsourcing company. :)
Hi there,
Let me introduce myself here. My name is Mike and I am from the Hamilton/Trenton area fo NJ. I recently purchased a RSM 34 gallon last month, and have been loving every minute of it. I found out about NJRC from just doing some web searches. I am currently a Paramedic student in Phillie, and I currently work out of Newtown, Pa for the ambulance service there. I also am a volunteer Firefighter/EMT-Basic out of White Horse Vol. Fire Co.Right down the street from All Aquatics ;D.

In our tank now we only have a Yellow Watchmen Goby, 2 Cleaner shrimp, and CuC. The tank has been running for about 3 weeks now. I will definantly post some pics when I get home later today.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Mike, welcome to NJRC. We're really glad you found us. It sounds like you've got quite a lot going on in your life! Good luck with the new tank and please feel free to ask any questions. There a lot of knowledgeable people here who are always willing to help out. And please post some pics too!


NJRC Member
Welcome Mike I'm right around the corner in Robbinsville. This is a great club your find lots of great info on here.
Hi, mi name is Martin , i was born in Newark New Jersey,and right now i live in Puero Rico , so it meens that my english is not very good,jeje, well i allways loved to wath the fishes in aquariums ,since i was a little boy wanted to have a saltwater aquarium,but it was to expensive, but now i have one jeje, its a 55 galon ,i only have 2 fishes , (3 strip damisel,percula(Clown)i need to bye more stuff or my tank like the liht(only have a 50\50 )i need a wet and dry filter, and i have 50 pounds of live rocks,some polyps and 15 worm tube(this is the reason i have a saltwater tank) i just sit neer my bar and watch these worm tubes expose them self,
in my free time i surf the web for prices in fish and corals .

i like this site and seens im a member every day im in here looking other members tanks and fishes, allot of info,and pics

so thanks to everyone


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Martin, welcome to NJRC. We're glad you found us. You should post up some pics of your system if you get a chance. Also, let us know if you're ever back in NJ. You never know, we may be having a meeting or other social event that you can join in on.
welcome Martin!

did you feel the earthquake today? it was far away east of you but hope all is well! I'd be interested to see what kind of fish stores you have in PR.

Anyways - as my colleagues sign to me in PR...


Hello fish heads!!! I just joined this site today. I followed a link someone had posted on NYCichlids.com. My name is Dave and I live in Jackson, N.J. I currently keep African Cichlids. I have 4 tanks up and running and some more in storage. I don't have any saltwater tanks set up yet. I have a bad habbit of spoiling my 3 year old neice and she loves to watch my tanks when she comes for a visit. She often does her best to help me with water changes, and she also knows how to test the PH. Like every other kid, she wants Nemo. I've also been toying with the idea of setting up a FOWLR tank. My plan is to start small with a 29(which I already have)with a couple Clowns and maybe a couple Damsels or Gobies(if they are compatable) until I get my feet wet and then I will go bigger. Probably a 125 or so. Sooooo, my aim here is to float around and educate myself so I can do things the right way. Hope to meet you all.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Dave, Welcome to NJRC. We're glad you stumbled onto us.

Phyl and I live in Jackson also. We'd certainly be able to help you along if you do decide to join the rest of us addicts . . . I mean hobbyists in the saltwater side of fishkeeping! You're more than welcome to swing by anytime to check out our systems and pick our brains (and bring your neice along too, she can run some tests for us :D). In the meantime, make yourself at home in our forums and feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Welcome Dave!

Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Remember the only "dumb" question is the one that's never asked!

I don't think you'll have much trouble at all running a salt water tank, especially a FOWLR tank. You'll just need to know the water parameters you need to keep and the rest of your skills should be able to handle it with a question here or there.

So again, welcome to the "other side" :)

Hey all!
My name is Dave and here is some quick info about myself
-im 21
-have been fish keeping on and off for the last 6 years
-im 100% Portuguese, moved here when I was 2
-I live in the Ironbound section of Newark, ive been there since I moved to the US
-im a huge car guy without question
-I currently go to school at Rutgers in Newark but am transferring to either Penn State/Ithaca/or Scranton in the fall of 08
-I was a manager at Sovereign Bank and quit my job to go back to school ;D GO ME! .... now i work for my parents when im not in class

I've always been a huge nature fan and primarily an ocean enthusiast. I've had numerous tanks but nothing has ever been enormous since I still live with the folks. I had planned a nano reef in a modded Eclipse 6 that i had laying around but from day 1 i noticed that it wasnt going to cut it. After about a week, i went out and got a 20 gallon tall with all the trimmings and thats where we stand now! I'm going to hold off with this one for a little while longer and then once i graduate and get a place of my own I'll upgrade to something 100+ gal.

My current goal is to keep the 20 gallon alive and to get my scuba license next summer!!! (anyone else here scuba? and have any recommendations??)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
butrball12 said:
My current goal is to keep the 20 gallon alive and to get my scuba license next summer!!! (anyone else here scuba? and have any recommendations??)

Welcome (again!) Dave. Thanks for the bio. There are quite a few divers on board here. I'd absolutely recommend getting your SCUBA cert. It's one of the best experiences in the world. A bunch of us get toegther and dive at the Belmar Basin in the fall. We make a day of it and hunt for "stranded" tropicals. It's a lot of fun.

Hope to see you at a meeting.


this is great..... a nj reefers place.... awesome... i just started in reef.. i had a fowlr for 4 years and just started off with some easy corals... my tanks are 180 flat back hex .and a 55 frag tank... just started out a few months ago with some leathers .. kenya tree... and poylps.. the fragginf of the kenya is going crazy.. great to be here.......


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome reseter5. You just found the best site on the web. Where are you located? You should come join us at one of our meetings.