Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Yeah, i've heard that. This one has stayed put for the last few months, but has runners going under the sand. Attempting to isolate.
If you're interested in trading, i also have this orange monti cap which is not attached to anything (have a spare). Don't worry about the algae in the...
Hey folks, A few of the frags I pulled in have grown enough that I'd like to see if anyone would be interested in trading? I'm not sure what I'm looking for, so let me know if you're interested and what ya got! I'm in the South Brunswick NJ area.
Blue Acro? Monti? I dunno: This blue SPS I glued...
I don’t do qt either.
Of Course my reef is about 2/3 of the way through fallow period after brook started killing every clownfish that went in the tank.
My gosh only tank is full of copper, my rocks are in a Rubbermaid tub and my emptier angelfish died of velvet this morning.
Actually, I'll keep the little clove. This one has a few dozen heads on it now. It's on a plug I stuck in the sand. You know...if you're interested. :)
Ha. I have a few softies too many, and an extra blue...acro? I dunno. Some palyps on a plug that had a fancy name like 'Jason Fox' attached to them. Some cloves of some sort. You're welcome to them...and I do love enjoying a NE IPA with new folks. ;-)
This is the blue acro...monti? I don't...
So, quick update:
Angel is still alive...but looks worse than ever. I've been giving him peroxide baths every day. They seem to help a little.
Funny doesn't seem to like to be alone when it's sick. It keeps laying on top of my other fish when they bed down. The puffer mostly. Which...
Thank you guys! I ended up buying one. And, of course, it only comes with enough reagent for 6 tests, so $100 out the door I have the tester and 31 tests worth of reagent.
I’ve got one coming but I’m worried I overdosed a bit. Would really like to check my water.
Anyone in the central jersey area have one of these bettys? This is the hi702, I believe
Thanks guys.
All fish were from two stores, both had had them for weeks to a month. Except the last one. That one I bought online. It was such a good deal too. Ha.
I spent some time researching and talking and ultimately decided to yank out all the rock and put it in a Rubbermaid for 6 weeks so...
Looks like my new angelfish has velvet. Not sure how best to proceed. Would prefer not to take apart the tank to remove the 4 fish and stick in quarantine for a few months. Treating in the FOWLR tank seems an option, but an expensive and not very good one. Kind of makes me want to give up...
Yep! I would not hesitate. I think even with shipping it was still half price of the local stores I checked. Ordered yesterday at 130 and was at my house today by noon. And the packaging. Wow. It was a big box with a heavy plastic bag around a styrofoam box with newspaper and heat pads and the...