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Search results

  1. S

    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    By the way, those two don't seem to be friends. Lot of following and swimming sideways with the fins all the way out.
  2. S

    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    Well, we'll see. For now I'm done. My man Mike made me a helluva deal on this lil guy shipped. I think total came to $75 to my door...which blows me away, honestly. I like those guys over at NYAquatic...great communication, nice fish, good prices, Fedex Ground for $20...it must have had $35...
  3. S

    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    At a quick glance: They do look cool...they probably would do the job, but are said to be kept with peaceful fish...which I have almost used as the anithesis for this tank. :)
  4. S

    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    It’s definitely cycled. As for cleanup crew I don’t think I can. It’d just be a quick snack for a few of these guys.
  5. S

    Some people are just crazy...

    I think that's an ugly fish. It looks like its suffering from dyno. ;-)
  6. S

    What is the most economical and bestest RODI system?

    Interesting. That's what I'm using, too...just thought it was more of a temporary unit. I feel like in my FOWLR tank, I'll be changing water more often due to big appetites...but maybe I'll ride it out for a bit. Thanks everyone for the advise! :)
  7. S

    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    Up until a few mins ago, I didn't even know his tail fanned out!
  8. S

    What is the most economical and bestest RODI system?

    I know, open ended question. Right now I have a RODI Buddy 4 stage...but its not optimal. It takes forever and wastes a ton of water. I have 3 tanks right now, and am planning on getting a bigger and moving all the others up a size in the future. Just wondering what everyone is doing for...
  9. S

    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    What I’m working with…
  10. S

    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    That makes sense, thank you. :)
  11. S

    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    Got some chaeto from the fish store and used the stock Evo 13.5 light on a Kasa plug for 13 hrs a day. Really...I've never had a fuge, so I don't know what I'm doing yet. The whole thing is just a little bit ghetto. ;-)
  12. S

    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    And the newest member of the crew...
  13. S

    Some people are just crazy...

    hehe...let me trade in my car...
  14. S

    Neat grouper

    That is cool. I really like my little panther...but he's pretty much a bottom dweller...this guy looks like he's more of a swimmer.
  15. S

    Why isn't anyone giving away any fish anymore? ;-)

    Ha. Thank you! Not sure if he’d fit in with the guys. But I appreciate the offer!
  16. S

    Why isn't anyone giving away any fish anymore? ;-)

    is he aggressive? Right now I have a panther grouper that’s about 5 inches long and a Niger trigger who is like 4 inches. Ala, future aggressors.
  17. S

    Why isn't anyone giving away any fish anymore? ;-)

    Two weeks BEFORE my tank is ready people are giving away fish left and right. Now my tank is up and running with two tiny fish and nobody is giving them away anymore? I don't have the money for these fish, people?! hehe...sorry...rant over.
  18. S

    Can't get rid of brown sand

    I have two conks and like ten snails and they are always busy. My sand is like a pristine beach. Hehe
  19. S

    Zoa Aipastia

    In my brief experience with aptasia, you’ll know. It’ll pop out and say hello if it is.
  20. S


    Huh. Guess I’m learning a little geography. I just go totally different directions to hit 22 vs rt 1