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Search results

  1. radiata

    A Curious Read

    Discovering a new fundamental underwater force: Discovering a new fundamental underwater force
  2. radiata

    Good Looking 225g on Craig's List!

    Only $798 and near Philadelphia ~ 220 gallons, custom cabinetry aquarium
  3. radiata

    Neptune Apex Lite

    WTB a Neptune Apex Lite Base Unit. PM me if you have one available.
  4. radiata


    Kessil Spectral X Controller I just replaced my Kessil Spectral X Controller with Kessil's new Dongle controller. I've been using this Spectral X on my three Kessil 360X lights for a half year now. Kessil says these controllers are backward compatible with their A80/H80, A360N/W and A160/H160...
  5. radiata

    WTB PM1 or PM2

    Looking for either a Neptune Apex PM1 or a PM2. PM me with any offers...
  6. radiata

    WTB Aquatic Life 61" Hybrid Fixture

    Looking for a used Aquatic Life 61" T5 HO Hybrid LED 4x54W-Lamp Mounting System. Color not important. Condition not important as long as the T5s work. PM me if you have one to sell... The cheaper the better!
  7. radiata

    Manhattan Reefs Fall Swap 2019

    A Manhattan Reefs Fall Swap 2019 has been announced for Sunday November 17th 2019 (10AM to 5PM). It will be held at Pratt Institute, 200 Willoughby Ave , Brooklyn NY 11205, in the Student Union building. Here's more info: Frag Swap - RSVP NOW: Manhattan Reefs Frag Swap - Sunday November 17th...
  8. radiata

    Want to buy - oddball Nudibranchs

    Anyone seen any odd nudibranchs lately in any NJ LFSes? I don't want berghia or lettuce nudis. Any others shouldn't be imported, but some of us don't do out homework when buying fauna. There are lots of nudibranchs that actually eat hydroids. I'd like to try to find one. I'd also like to...
  9. radiata

    For You Jellyfish Afectionados...

    For the Jellyfish afectionados among us, here's a specimen for those of you with a larger than average Kreisel tank:
  10. radiata

    The Evolution of the Electric Eel

    Video: Writeup: Lair of robot sea snake: In the depths, this autonomous guardian lies ready to work | ZDNet
  11. radiata


    AWC Eureka! WooHoo! I've finally gotten a daily 5 gallon automatic water change working on my system! Wish I could say the code was all mine, but I stumbled upon the logic and sample code on page 157 of the Apex Comprehensive Guide. I didn't use the Apex DOS pumps - I used three Danner...
  12. radiata

    Why Octopuses Might Be The Next Lab Rats

    Why Octopuses Might Be The Next Lab Rats
  13. radiata

    The Tiny Fish That Break a Fundamental Rule of Vertebrate Life

    The Tiny Fish That Break a Fundamental Rule of Vertebrate Life
  14. radiata

    Three Kessil 360W LED Lights with Apex Interface

    Three Kessil 360W LED Lights with Apex Interface (VDM Module) & all necessary cabling. Reason for sale ~ just replaced them with 360Xs and Spectral X Controller. $600 Pick-up in 07039. PM is key. Not interested in parting out at this time.
  15. radiata

    Anyone Want a Really Smart Fish?

    Who wants a really smart fish? I recently watched a BBC Blue Planet nature show narrated by Attenborough. I didn't know there were fish that used tools - I thought that was limited to birds and monkeys in the animal world. Here's a Youtube excerpt from the show: I saw one of these Anchor...
  16. radiata

    What's Wrong with this Offer?

  17. radiata

    32 Award Winning Underwater Photos

    Marvel at a sea of award-winning underwater photos
  18. radiata

    Iconic's Web Site is Up...

    Iconic Aquariums Somebody with proper authority should add this to the "Iconic Aquariums Shop Info" thread.
  19. radiata

    It's getting to be that time of year yet again...

    Ornate Pine Cone Christmas Reef - Large 44
  20. radiata


    Woo Hoo - I've found some babies in one of my tanks - Black Foot Banded Trochus!